Oh me, oh my! What a wonderful concept, hmm? Well guess what, BYOND, it's real. K'ros Trikare and I have started the Sugiru Corporation in the pursuit of a better BYOND for all (except worthless leeches of the BYOND society). We are currently recruiting anybody who hates rip-offs of any sort. That is our mission, but that is not the entirety of the Sugiru Corporation. We are going to offer reviews on BYOND games (as well as movies, and console/PC games), offer help to anyone who wants it, and have corporation-wide tournaments in some games. Anyway, it's a good-hearted concept, and anyone who would like to join either visit our board; or email K'ros and I at [email protected]
Just wondering, how are you planning on doing this? (That isn't some sort of smart-aed remark)
In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
Just wondering, how are you planning on doing this? (That isn't some sort of smart-aed remark)

Good question. We're currently sending out warnings to all "owners" of ripped-off games. Telling them the legal consequences of plagiarised material. Now since most games are actually based on another game or a TV show or movie, we can only tell them that they are stealing a person's work (which in itself is illegal, and can be fined). Take Dragonball Zeta. Chris Kaminski (Dracon) made (and copyrighted) his coding and artwork, he did not copyright Dragonball Z or its character's depictions. He copyrighted his work, not the work of any person working at FUNimation or any other company that is working with Dragonball Z(Bandai, .etc). But if people are saying that, in fact, his work is their work, they are committing plagiarism. If they are making money selling both Chris Kaminski's copyrights and those companies' trade marks and copyrights. This is blatantly illegal, and can result in a large fine and even jail time. So yeah, we're issuing cease and desist emails that severely suggest the stopping of hosting the said ripped game.
The design makes my eyes hurt.
First, I suggest you gather as much legitimate copyright law information as possible ( is a great start).

Second, I don't think anything good will really come from sending cease and desist e-mails. The only people who will pay attention are the people who think they are actually getting sued.
Also, I suggest that your entier group get good internet security programs (Ie, Firewalls, anti-virus programs, ect). Your dealing with people who are potentially dangerous (I'm not saying they are all psychos or anything, but a lot are wannabe hackers with too much time).

I think you guys should rethink your whole approtch. If your serious about attempting to clean up BYOND learn as much as you can on the subjects.

PS: I suggest you consult a BYOND staff member about your group and it's intentions and get their thumbs up/thumbs down on it.
Seriously, nobody hates rips more than I do, but you're basically proposing a boxing match with the wind.
In response to DarkView
Ive emailed Dantom about this but have yet to gain a reply from ether Dan or Tom, and me and Mario are both smart about how to defend against wannabe hackers, and im doing as much research as possiable.

Good question. We're currently sending out warnings to all "owners" of ripped-off games.

This is something the owners of the actual content should do not you since it's there desicion as to whether or not their copyrights have been infringed.

Telling them the legal consequences of plagiarised material.

To plagerize is to copy someone's work and claim it as your own. This is different than copyright infringing.

Now since most games are actually based on another game or a TV show or movie, we can only tell them that they are stealing a person's work (which in itself is illegal, and can be fined).

I don't think copyright infringement is categorized as theft. It is illegal nonetheless, but the course of action is up to the copyright holders not you. That and some companies don't mind fan based work and sometimes encourage it.

Take Dragonball Zeta. Chris Kaminski (Dracon) made (and copyrighted) his coding and artwork, he did not copyright Dragonball Z or its character's depictions. He copyrighted his work, not the work of any person working at FUNimation or any other company that is working with Dragonball Z(Bandai, .etc).

I think someone here checked it out and Funmation doesn't mind fan done work as long as it's non-profit.

But if people are saying that, in fact, his work is their work, they are committing plagiarism.

Yep but I don't think anyone has yet to argue that they came up with the idea of DBZ.

If they are making money selling both Chris Kaminski's copyrights and those companies' trade marks and copyrights. This is blatantly illegal, and can result in a large fine and even jail time. So yeah, we're issuing cease and desist emails that severely suggest the stopping of hosting the said ripped game.

That's up to the copyright holders not you though. Using scare tactics with no backing will just get you into legal issues since I'm sure that's some form a harrassment.
Sugar corporation?
In response to Grei
Ahmen...that alone keeps me from posting...
In response to K'ros Trikare
You have too much free time...
In response to FuZzY DiCe
FuZzY DiCe wrote:
You have too much free time...


Mario_Wario -God of Sugiru- wrote:
Oh me, oh my! What a wonderful concept, hmm?

Hmm. Maybe not. It is up to the original creators of the work to pursue copyright infringement, and in fact, the work is only 'ripped' if it actually infringes on copyright law. Also, the fact that you have named yourself 'God of Sugiru' put about 40% of people right off.
Worlds: Did you know that 56.5734568% of statistics are made up on the spot?
Shut up.
Worlds: No.
In response to K'ros Trikare
As a member of the HUB staff, I don't agree with this; we're working on cleaning up the HUB ourselves, I suggest leaving it to the officials.
Mario_Wario -God of Sugiru- wrote:
Oh me, oh my! What a wonderful concept, hmm? Well guess what, BYOND, it's real. K'ros Trikare and I have started the Sugiru Corporation in the pursuit of a better BYOND for all (except worthless leeches of the BYOND society).

I don't think it's actually legal to call a group, formal or otherwise, a corporation unless you actually incorporate. If you incorporate, finding buyers for your stock will be an interesting exercise in reality.

We are currently recruiting anybody who hates rip-offs of any sort.

Rip-offs meaning what? That's a nonsense throwaway term. Use something that has an actual definition. At the moment your mission statement is ridiculously vague because you can't be bothered to use clear language.

That is our mission, but that is not the entirety of the Sugiru Corporation. We are going to offer reviews on BYOND games (as well as movies, and console/PC games), offer help to anyone who wants it, and have corporation-wide tournaments in some games. Anyway, it's a good-hearted concept, and anyone who would like to join either visit our board; or email K'ros and I at [email protected]

Since the primary goal here seems to be banding together to merely express disdain for certain ill-defined kinds of games, "good-hearted" seems like a bit of a stretch. A good-hearted concept would be closer to BYONDscape or digitalBYOND, both of which exist for building up the community.

The word "clan" that you used seems better suited to the entire enterprise. Online clans aren't taken very seriously by serious people.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Now wait. What is your defination of RIP OFF?

What about some of these fan games like Dragon Warrior or something? Would you really try to blow the whistle on them?
Some of these fan games are really great!

I really dont think you have any right to go around telling other people, do this or we will tattle on you, and bascially you are doing that. Most of these fan games gain nothing at all, except for a little fun. Seems like your just a bunch of loosers who have nothing better to do. So you find something to complain about.

And I apologize if your not directing this to fan games.
I know when Im wrong.

EDIT: Just for fun I looked at the little forum you have. What a buncha crap. The only rip listing you have so far is all DBZ games. And since the orginal Zeta is a fan game itself, shouldnt the orginal be listed also? And Im sure the orginal authors already know about all these rips out on the hub already and they havn't taken any action on it at all.

And what about Bey Blades or all the Yu Gi Oh games?! Seems to me right now your just trying to get all the DBZ games in trouble. Get a life.

EDIT.. AGAIN: FYI Im not supporting the wave of DBZ games, but Im saying choose more then one target.
In response to FuZzY DiCe
FuZzY DiCe wrote:
Sugar corporation?

actually it seems to translate to "painful corporation", and the funny thing is they *are* painful, but not a corporation!

listen up god-of-what-ever-floats-your-boat: had Funmation and et al thought that these "rips" were a threat to their business, they would likely have gotten their own lawyers in on the action already. As it is these so called rips are nothing more than fangames... which are perfectly legal as long as a) you are not making a profit, and b) you are not actually telling the world that you own these character likenesses (of which I have yet to actually see one of these games do).

so you are better off worrying about finishing school, or the dealing with the sudden on-slaught of pimples... these are more controllable than the watery-worded mission of your clan.
In response to Theodis
Theodis wrote:
I think someone here checked it out and Funmation doesn't mind fan done work as long as it's non-profit.

I belive FUNImation has no right to say that, since they don't actually own Dragonball, DragonballZ or DragonballGT.
On a side note, the creator of all that is Dragonball, Akira Toriyama, would probably donate heaps of money to BYOND if he knew it's HUB was full of DBZ games.
Until he found out what DBZ represented here, at which point he would shoot himself just to start rolling in his grave.
In response to Hazman
Escuse me Hazman if we offended you by giving ourselves the rank of 'God' its just a scheme that follows along with ranks, we dont beleve were gods if it matters that much to you and other people then we can go ahead and switch it.

In response to Shades
EGH! ><! The reason why mainly Zeta rips are listed there are because there the most common, as i posted after i state that i dont want to limit the list to just Zeta rips, and if its such a big deal to all of you, im contactin Dracon soon, if he still has the orginal artwork from the game (dated under 'Created' (properties tab of a file) as before any of the other ripped icons) he can stll copyright it, id gladly give him the money to copyright his work.

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