True, I lost my head and I posted innapropertly. No matter what in life, it is those who can keep their cool who will be great leaders and will be able to work through any situation. I am very grateful that I wasn't banned or something, and so because of that I won't overstep the rules again. So, I have decided to basically post my final thoughts about life here in this post. You guys are cool because even if we argue, I can still relate with other people all around the world and right in my own home I can formulate ideas with other people and reach out accrost the Earth to share thoughts with fellow humans. For this, I am thankful of the internet and computer technology.
*I think that this country is based on the Christian god of the Bible and that it was not based on Buddah or Muhammad (I am sorry if I spelt his name wrong), and I also feel that christianity is interwoven into the fabric of America, so we shouldn't be so quick to regulate it everywhere and try to do away with it in terms with America. Even though America is suppost to be about seperation from church and state, I think that my countrys founders had an idea of morals and christianity in mind when they created this country. It seems to be much like how America didn't want to be taxed by England, and yet after the war they still taxed a lot, if not more. Some things should not be changed in America in the name of liberalism. I feel that this liberalism is due to the fact that the Illuminati, or whatever you want to call them, is trying to bring about the proliferation of a one world government, via the UN, NATO and other sanctions that are trying to bring the minds and the governments of the world together into one being. This is very bad because the world can't be controlled in the hands of the few. Also, I feel that liberalists shouldn't be teaching our children their lies. They teach our children that America is bad in many ways. They teach that we killed the Indians and that was wrong, and that we shouldn't have dropped the atomic bomb on Japan. Due to this many students growing up feel as if they live lives unprejudiced by foolish inhibitions about other people, when in reality their view of the world is actually shaped by the liberalists.
*I feel that we really are killing the planet. I live in a small rural town and so proof of this wasn't that bad for me at first. People lived their nice lives, the air was clean, and the sky was blue. But then I went to San Fransisco and Los Angels and the big cities in California. And let me tell you, it is simply disgusting. In Los Angels the sky is brown and sometimes you can't see a mountian that is 20 miles away. San Fransisco is a reck. I feel sorry for people that have to live in that filth. You can't see the sky most of the time, and the homless population is simply apauling there. I really think that cars are not good for the enviorment, and while you may not think that because the Earth isn't dying right away then it wont die at all, everything has to start somewhere. I know steps are being taken to fix our pollution problems, and that we are actually more polution free then we were in the earlier parts of the 20th century, but it still needs more work.
*I think that the media is very bad for people. It's not that the "tv" is bad, but it is bad when it is used improperly. Children are brought up to believe that divorse is ok and that swearing and drugs are "cool", and not once are they taught about peace or morality. The liberalists would want us to think that morality is based on the individual, but this is not true. It is integral to humans to feel compassion for one another, just as it is integral that we all sense the same right and wrong. If I kill someone, no matter what culture I live in, no matter what time it is, it is always considered "bad" or evil, on one level or another.
*I think that religon is good, but that organized reliogn more often that not is just evil men trying to exploit faithful belivers in an attempt to further their own money. That is very wrong and I think God has reserved a special place for them in hell. Well, not really, I feel that hell is the same suffering for everyone, but you know...Anyway, if you need an example of corrupt religious leaders just read up on the catholic church in the middle ages until whenever, they are always power hungry and very evil. Or in modern times, people like benny hinn (i think that's his name. if you don't know who i mean i'm talking aobut that guy who says "god heal you!" then he hits people and they are miracously healed), he is crooked and evil.
*I do believe that some secret soicety, Illuminati or whatever has infiltrated the world, and that the evidence of them can be found in history. The thing is though, history is very biased and mostly false, and i think that they either a. dont exist because it all fits too nicely into a conspiracy theory but at the same time, because it's so hard to believe they could also b. actually exist and rely on peoples disbelief to not actually take them seriouslly.
*I like BYOND. I want to buy a t-shirt.(They should come in black)[p.s. they should make byond sweatshirts with hoods if you know what i mean, not the kind with zippers, just the big sweatshirts with hoods. i want one of those too]
So really I just want life to be better for everyone because I honestly care about everyone. I would rather live poor knowing that everyone has a good life then to live rich and know that there is a single person who lives in poverty. That's just how I feel. So I'm sorry if I offended anyone in the past, but that is what I think I was trying to say in my other posts, ok?
p.s. if you had the patience to read all of that then kudos to you!
![]() Oct 21 2003, 9:22 am
Well see I'm not like the Illuminati because me goal isn't homosexuality and satanism. All I wanted was for everyone to be happy, and I know comprimises must be made, but it has just gotten to all time lows. Seriouslly, when someone can go to McDonalds, buy a coffee, spill it on himself, then sue McDonalds AND WIN, there is something wrong in the way of comprimises. Oh well. Back to Ingolstadt. Thanks for putting up with my posts and keeping an open mind somewhat. I think it's cool when people get together and think about stuff like that. Or something.
The Matrix has you... |
if i killed someone i'd laugh and kill more...then probably somehow get ahold of severally destructive weapons and wipe out all of colorado, but again..thats just me. ~.^;;
Well, Anarchy Robot -- if that is your real name -- far be it from me to remain silent in the face of a spirited seeker of truth. Here's a link to a recent post that might intrigue you, or not.
[link] |
Well, not to sound blunt. But, not many feel that Christianity and in some cases all religions are true, like my self. You may consider Atheist's "bad" and, "sinful". But, honestly...look at more than one end of the spectrum. How would you feel in a society where you're forced to prayer to, "almighty God" when you infact believe in no such being(s).
Why is it that America has to be liberalistically sympathetic to atheists and make them our heros, but christians are regarded as idiots and fools. I do believe that there is a god based on this: the universe couldn't have just been created from nothing. everything that has an end also has a begenning, and without the explination of god in the equation, the ability to rationalize where the universe came from actually requires more faith then it does to say god made it. i also believe that humans are very special and divinly created to be on this planet. we totally don't fit in with the natural flow of the planet, and while some might argue that there are more then one kind of intelligence, i believe that humans have an intellict that is unsurpasses by anything on this planet. if it were because of quote evolution, then the laws of nature would have dictated that several other intelligent beings would have existed, but they simply do not. the reason you are an atheist is because the liberalists have succeeded in making you feel as though you have an ultimate grip on understanding of the universe...screw it, i don't really care. you can't impose your stuff on me and i can't on you. im sorry for you, but you can't impose your stuff on me. life without religon is like living without hope. and a life like that is worthless and you might as well end your life now. that's what i think.
I am simply showing you that there are others who feel differently about your beliefs. Because, my parents are actually both religious. My mom Christian, and my father Catholic. I have nothing against either religion, but I was surely not pressed upon by anyone to be an Atheist. If anything, I was pressed upon with religion. I personally believe that a child shouldn't be forced to go to Church and say a prayer for which they don't even understand what they're praying for other than that their parents make them dress up nice every Sunday and they all go to a large gathering. I my self have set my self to not force religion or my beliefs on anyone other than my self. I especially have vowed if I ever have children of my own, to let them think for them selves, and not be forced to believe in my views. If they wish to attend church and believe in God, then that is their choice. But, when you try to impose on young children it is no longer their choice, you are the parent they are the child they follow what you say and do. Simply put.
Anarchy Robot wrote:
Why is it that America has to be liberalistically sympathetic to atheists and make them our heros, but christians are regarded as idiots and fools. I do believe that there is a god based on this: the universe couldn't have just been created from nothing. That is a valid point in my eyes. That's why I don't adhere to any certain religion, there could be a better explaination right around the corner. For the most part really I don't care how we got here. :P everything that has an end also has a begenning, and without the explination of god in the equation, the ability to rationalize where the universe came from actually requires more faith then it does to say god made it. i also believe that humans are very special and divinly created to be on this planet. we totally don't fit in with the natural flow of the planet, and while some might argue that there are more then one kind of intelligence, i believe that humans have an intellict that is unsurpasses by anything on this planet. if it were because of quote evolution, then the laws of nature would have dictated that several other intelligent beings would have existed, but they simply do not. There had to be a most intelligent race, that just happens to be us, well usually. :) the reason you are an atheist is because the liberalists have succeeded in making you feel as though you have an ultimate grip on understanding of the universe...screw it, i don't really care. One could say the same thing about you, right? Forcing your opinion on someone is never the way to go though, I think we agree on that..... you can't impose your stuff on me and i can't on you. im sorry for you, but you can't impose your stuff on me. life without religon is like living without hope. and a life like that is worthless and you might as well end your life now. that's what i think. or not. :) I don't think many people will take you seriously when your always contradicting yourself. Of all of the people that have been to your last two topics you seem the most like a robot in my opinion. Your heart seems to be in the right place, but you seem to lack crucial information. If your that interested in this kind of stuff(politics, religion) study it more, act as a buddist for a while it's more fitting for you. Try all of the religions you can think of. Find a website with debates about child abortion or other such laws and read both sides of the debate. Maybe you'll learn things that you never thought of before. Your religion is your bussiness and nobody should force theirs upon other people, but when you post about your religion in a public place be ready to have people that disagree, and know that argueing won't sovle anything as none of them have been proven right or wrong. |
Anarchy's Final Thoughts....heh
I love the crude humor of Jerry Springer he gives a new meaning to trailer park trash..=P Trog |
The simple truth that most of us have come to realize is that life is good enough...
I am not starving... I have everything that I need, and most of the things that I want... In fact, I have more than I need... If you are able to say that, then stop complaining... Life for you is good... Especially if you're doing your complaining on the internet... If you've got internet access, chances are you're not hurting for anything else... Your needs are probably met, since the Internet is a much lower priority than food, water, and shelter... Now, life is far from perfect, I'll agree to that... But the simple fact is that no matter how much crap is going on in our government, and in our society, life is still good for each and every one of us (not mankind as a whole, but anyone who is reading this right now)... That's all you need to care about... Plain and simple... Worrying about anything else is a wasted effort... "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"... Life is good for us, so we don't need to care about anything else that happens... Sure, it's nice to care about others, and want their lives to be improved... But your own life is good, so stop whining... Do what you can to help others, but you've got no right to complain about your own life... Basically what I'm saying is that even if there is some secret society out there controlling everything, or if our government is watching us too closely, or whatever other complaint anyone may have to these degrees...the fact remains that life is good... These alleged underhanded practices aren't really hurting us, now are they? One other thing I want to comment on is that our government isn't necessarily based upon Christianity... Yes, our founding fathers were mostly Christian, and they embedded many "Christian" beliefs into our system of government and our earliest laws... However, most of our laws are based upon the much more universal system of morality... Morals aren't a Christian thing... Morals belong to everyone and every religion... They're not even a religious thing...they are a common sense thing... For a species to thrive, they shouldn't hurt each other... They shouldn't kill each other, they shouldn't steal from each other... They should help each other, and get along... These are not Christian rules... These are rules of nature itself... "Thou Shall not kill" is only the Christian wording of a very basic life rule... Christianity didn't invent these is borrowing them from life itself... So in that respect, our government is not based upon Christianity, but upon the basic laws of life... The rules that nature follows... Logic and reason... Not simply the words of the Christian Bible... [Edit:] By the way, I really like your name... It's a very neat little contradiction... An oxymoron... Robots are followers, and robots are also precisely controlled machines that follow very tightly defined rules... And that is obviously the polar opposite of "Anarchy" Nice contrast... |
To you it might seem bad or evil, but that's because you are not part of their culture.
Well, I don't think that America's founding fathers worshipped Buddah or Muhammed (I don't know if they're spelled correctly either =P), so there's a good chance that Christianity was an influence. However, that doesn't mean that the government endorses a particular religion,but that doesn't mean that they don't endorse Christianity, they might. You could argue Bush's references to God as an integration of church and state, but I don't see the founding fathers as having any impact on this. Christianity has many good ideas, and if they used those good ideas in the formation of a country, then so be it. They used the ideas because they were good ideas, not because they felt that one particular religion was superior. Keep in mind though, many people came to America for religious freedom, so many of the initial settlers were rather religious people.
I do not care what the media says. If the media tries to force a certain way of thinking upon people, and they successfully do, then its a weakminded person and it was just a matter of time before they adopted some idea that they got from some random source. If it wasn't the media, it'd be something else. By the time people are old enough to vote they should have leanred to think for themselves.
Yes, cities are dirty places, but at least there are things to do there =P.
That 'Benny Hinn' person you talk about is not the only one of his kind. They don't necessarily have bad intentions though. They are trying to get people to join the church, however, for the wrong reason. Religion is a business, and more people in mass means more money in their pocket. It also means that the religion is being spread (which is the good part of what they are doing, but that's not usually why they'd be doing that).
America isn't the only country with problems. So if you're on a quest to solve all of the world's problems, then good luck to you. However, I hope you've realized that anarchy is not the answer. I also highly doubt that a revolution is in order, so it looks like the power you're left with is your vote, and the pursuasion of others to vote in compliance with your ideas.
I'm a fan of the zip-up hoodie myself, but I don't know if I'd be nerdy enough to wear a BYOND hoodie.