You may be having a nervous breakdown. It runs in my family, especially my dad. Seeing as to how he is in the Air Force, right after 9/11/01 he was deployed to Saudi Arabia. He came home with all sorts of problems. I recommend you see a doctor about this problem, or maybe take a sleeping pill for a couple of days to get you're body on a schedule.

In response to Hedgemistress
Caffeine simply puts you're body in a state of open-minded awareness. Caffeine is considered a drug, it is a stimulant to the body. Although Taurine may give you a boost of energy. Hedgemistress is correct, I drink about a twelve pack of Dr. Pepper every weekend, and once that Caffeine wears of I am considered dead. The amount of time that the Caffeine lasts may vary, for me it may only last an hour.
I wouldn't trust Caffeine, although I have been for the past year, but that is just the way my body is, I'm able to operate off of 3-5 hours of sleep. Although I would not recommend it to everyone. You tend to not develope everything.

In response to Hedgemistress
Hedgemistress wrote:

Let's get together and have a contest. We'll sit down. You do a line of coke... I'll drink a can of coke. Then you do another line of coke, and I'll drink another can of coke.

(Sounds like a pretty fun contest to me) :D

Anyways a can of coke isn't going to have the same effect as a line. How bout I do I line of coke, then you take a caffiene pill. Then we'll see what drug has more noticable effects.

You're right that cocaine is not a hallucinogen, but the rest of this sentence is pure, 100% uncut primo Columbian bullspit. The only drugs people kill other people on are hallucinogens? So... drunken bar fights never turn fatal? Drunk or stoned drivers never do more than scratch their hit-and-run victims? People in cocaine or meth induced rage have never shot anybody or any place to hell? Give me a hit of whatever it is you're smoking, because the world you live in sounds like paradise.

You're pretty much right about this one. But I'm talking directly, car accidents don't count in my book as drugs killing someone. I know it is technicly drugs killing someone but I don't blame the drug, I blame the person whos stupid enough to get behind the wheel when they're f***ed up. I know you could say the it's the other way around and give good excuses and so could I but let's not argue this issue out, it's not important.

Marijuana and alcohol in particular are difficult drugs to pin down. Depending upon the individual and a lot of other factors, they can act like stimulants, depressants, and/or hallucinogens, with some people manifesting symptoms of all three from the same prolonged dosage! Some people indeed just "mellow out" when they're high on marijuana... but some people honestly go out of their skulls.

I know this is true. But people who it has a negitive effect on usually don't do it. Marijuana is not an addictive drug at all, not physicly addicting anyways. I don't know one person who smokes weed on a regular basis and doesn't like it. So people are usually smart enough not to do it if it's not fun to them. The only reason I do it, and am psycologicly addicted to it, is because it's so much fun. I'm not addicted to it like a drug, but more like if you were addicted to say... skating. I know a lot of people who can't live without skating. Same way with weed.

I'm really pretty doubtful about the rationality of banning marijuana and allowing alcohol... they're really on the same level as each other in every way that I think can be measured... cocaine and heroin, though... that's insane. They're not only in the same league as marijuana and alcohol (and caffeine is a minor leaguer compared to both those drugs), but they're in a different sport altogether. Like, table tennis vs. ultimate fighting champion.

I fully agree with you here.

I'm already over my quota of monstrous argument threads for this year, so I'm going to end it with this sumnation:

1) Trying to argue for legalization of marijuana? Fine, as long as you're making valid points. There's so many rational, good, intelligent reasons for decriminalizing pot that I'm sure it would be legal by now... if not for the fact that most of its advocates are too stoned to think of them?

Ever hear of NORML? I'm don't know a whole lot about it but I do know that it's a pretty big organization that is trying to legalize weed, do a google search or something.

2) Trying to argue for legalization of marijuana... by saying it's no worse than caffeine? Insane. Yes, they're both mind-altering and addictive... does that mean they're the same? Hey, I've got a nickel. I'll give it to you for a hundred dollar bill. I mean, they're both money, so clearly, it's an even exchange, right?

First off marijuana isn't addictive. Secondly I was saying caffiene is taken in small enough doses not to have a noticible effect like weed, take enough of it though and you'd stand out a lot more than someone who was stoned.

3) Trying to argue for the legalization of almost all drugs... by saying that cocaine and marijuana are no worse than caffeine but none of them are as bad as a little LSD? I think that one speaks for itself.

I don't think that herion or LSD should be legalized. For sure pot should, and mabey cocaine, since it doesn't really do much to effect the way you act, even though it is a dangerous drug it wouldn't affect people around you. Alcohal, weed, cocaine and a few others are all what I(or actually Dave Chappelle) like to call "background substances". You can function, but your not crisp, and caffine is not a background substance if you take enough.

One last thing. Does the ine at the end of caffeine anyway to relate it to methamphetemine
In response to Sticky_Chronic
Sticky_Chronic wrote:
Hedgemistress wrote:

Let's get together and have a contest. We'll sit down. You do a line of coke... I'll drink a can of coke. Then you do another line of coke, and I'll drink another can of coke.

(Sounds like a pretty fun contest to me) :D

Anyways a can of coke isn't going to have the same effect as a line. How bout I do I line of coke, then you take a caffiene pill. Then we'll see what drug has more noticable effects.

You're right that cocaine is not a hallucinogen, but the rest of this sentence is pure, 100% uncut primo Columbian bullspit. The only drugs people kill other people on are hallucinogens? So... drunken bar fights never turn fatal? Drunk or stoned drivers never do more than scratch their hit-and-run victims? People in cocaine or meth induced rage have never shot anybody or any place to hell? Give me a hit of whatever it is you're smoking, because the world you live in sounds like paradise.

You're pretty much right about this one. But I'm talking directly, car accidents don't count in my book as drugs killing someone. I know it is technicly drugs killing someone but I don't blame the drug, I blame the person whos stupid enough to get behind the wheel when they're f***ed up. I know you could say the it's the other way around and give good excuses and so could I but let's not argue this issue out, it's not important.

Marijuana and alcohol in particular are difficult drugs to pin down. Depending upon the individual and a lot of other factors, they can act like stimulants, depressants, and/or hallucinogens, with some people manifesting symptoms of all three from the same prolonged dosage! Some people indeed just "mellow out" when they're high on marijuana... but some people honestly go out of their skulls.

I know this is true. But people who it has a negitive effect on usually don't do it. Marijuana is not an addictive drug at all, not physicly addicting anyways. I don't know one person who smokes weed on a regular basis and doesn't like it. So people are usually smart enough not to do it if it's not fun to them. The only reason I do it, and am psycologicly addicted to it, is because it's so much fun. I'm not addicted to it like a drug, but more like if you were addicted to say... skating. I know a lot of people who can't live without skating. Same way with weed.

I'm really pretty doubtful about the rationality of banning marijuana and allowing alcohol... they're really on the same level as each other in every way that I think can be measured... cocaine and heroin, though... that's insane. They're not only in the same league as marijuana and alcohol (and caffeine is a minor leaguer compared to both those drugs), but they're in a different sport altogether. Like, table tennis vs. ultimate fighting champion.

I fully agree with you here.

I'm already over my quota of monstrous argument threads for this year, so I'm going to end it with this sumnation:

1) Trying to argue for legalization of marijuana? Fine, as long as you're making valid points. There's so many rational, good, intelligent reasons for decriminalizing pot that I'm sure it would be legal by now... if not for the fact that most of its advocates are too stoned to think of them?

Ever hear of NORML? I'm don't know a whole lot about it but I do know that it's a pretty big organization that is trying to legalize weed, do a google search or something.

2) Trying to argue for legalization of marijuana... by saying it's no worse than caffeine? Insane. Yes, they're both mind-altering and addictive... does that mean they're the same? Hey, I've got a nickel. I'll give it to you for a hundred dollar bill. I mean, they're both money, so clearly, it's an even exchange, right?

First off marijuana isn't addictive. Secondly I was saying caffiene is taken in small enough doses not to have a noticible effect like weed, take enough of it though and you'd stand out a lot more than someone who was stoned.

3) Trying to argue for the legalization of almost all drugs... by saying that cocaine and marijuana are no worse than caffeine but none of them are as bad as a little LSD? I think that one speaks for itself.

I don't think that herion or LSD should be legalized. For sure pot should, and mabey cocaine, since it doesn't really do much to effect the way you act, even though it is a dangerous drug it wouldn't affect people around you. Alcohal, weed, cocaine and a few others are all what I(or actually Dave Chappelle) like to call "background substances". You can function, but your not crisp, and caffine is not a background substance if you take enough.

One last thing. Does the ine at the end of caffeine anyway to relate it to methamphetemine

Yes, -ine is suffix derived from Latin that simply means a chemical substance.
In response to Sticky_Chronic
The link to the NORML website is . Check it out, it might change your point of view (not really talking to Lexy, she doesn't have a biased opinion like most people, she looks at facts(and the facts of weed point mostly towards the positive side), good job Lexy *corny thumbs up*)
In response to Sticky_Chronic
Sticky_Chronic wrote:
How bout I do I line of coke, then you take a caffiene pill. Then we'll see what drug has more noticable effects.

No offence, but that is a stupid argument. It's like saying "I'll do a little LSD, you inject raw alcohol into your bloodstream". Then claiming LSD isn't as bad as alcohol based on that research.
Sticky_Chronic wrote:
It's 2:30am and I have to goto school tomorrow and I can't sleep. I was just wondering if anyone knows how I can tell if I have insomnia. Some times I have trouble sleeping but not all the time. It's usually just because theres too much on my mind. Plus I'm pretty depressed right now and I don't know why. This really sucks guys and I would appreciet it if you could help me out.

By definition, you have insomnia. But the word insomnia covers a lot of territory. I have had insomnia on and off for about 20 years, and am going through it right now as well. At the moment, I am taking Xanax for it, because it seems it may be anxiety-related; I've had about a 400% overdose of life this year.

If it gets bad, see a doctor. There are MANY possible causes of insomnia, so you want to make sure you are dealing with it in a way appropriate to your situation. Some general tips you'll find that help the occasional sufferer:

1. Get exercise (but not in the evening).
2. Go to sleep the same time every night.
3. Don't read before sleep (I disagree with this one, but it's a popular suggestion).
4. Stay away from alcohol and caffiene while you're having trouble.

I would also caution you against trying over-the-counter sleep aids. That type of drug tends to work fabulously the first time night, not as well the second, and very soon thereafter, it will actually keep you awake!

Good luck. Insomnia sucks.
In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:

No offence, but that is a stupid argument. It's like saying "I'll do a little LSD, you inject raw alcohol into your bloodstream". Then claiming LSD isn't as bad as alcohol based on that research.

I know, I'm just making a point that caffeine is a serious drug, it's just not taken in big enough doses to make a noticible effect. A lot of things that you can buy at the store will have noticable effects in high enough dosages. Ever here of DXM? That's just cough medicine, if you take a box of Coriciden Cough & Cold you'll have a mad ass trip, you could drink Nyquil anything that has DXM. A small dose will cure your cough, but a high dose will make you have a really fun trip :D :D
In response to Sticky_Chronic
Caffeine, taken in normal, caffeine-sized doses, does have a noticeable and appreciable effect, otherwise a) people wouldn't add it to things and b) it wouldn't be addictive.

You're trying to make your point by saying, "If I take a normal dose of cocaine and you overdose on caffeine, you'll die." That doesn't mean caffeine a hardcore drug. It means overdosing on anything is dangerous.

I left off the end of the contest... you keep doing your lines and I keep doing my cans, and then one of us walks away. If caffeine and cocaine are "the same", and we're both taking what's considered a "normal dose"... we should both walk away or both keel over. My guess is that it wouldn't turn out that way.
In response to IvoryWizard
I fear for your oral hygene.
I suggest takeing a long warm shower before bed time, It will help you relax, And to wake up take a cold shower.
In response to IvoryWizard
Obviously its not something put through the family if he got it after being engaged in combat.
In response to Hedgemistress
ahhh I got most my info off a few site and each one said a little bit different, because they were based on studies that "they" did.

Ya you're correct, it does block the recepters and such (excuse my spelling I'm not an english major or anything close :P) like the other drugs that do so, but the thing about caffiene is it is in no way permanent damage, according to the studies I read. They said there is no long term permanent damage, only short term things like you said hedge like nausea, and so on... Sorry I'm never very clear on what I say sometimes :P

However they did say that caffiene, by blocking the recepters, puts the body in a state of "emergency" when the body finds out about this, making you feel more energetic then you should, and then have the opposite affect when it wears off.

This is just what I got off a few sites though, could be wrong I'm not sure how reliable the sources are.
In response to Sticky_Chronic
supposibly, from what I read caffiene does not ever kill...
unless your body naturally responds to it like an allergy or some other technicality... which I'm not even sure if that's possible, I'm not a specialist in this area lol just decided to look up caffiene one day :P
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