Just some info from admins on their web servers would be interesting (might spark some revelations):

100mb space
4gb bandwidth
Hosting: £5 a month
Domains: £25 for 2 years
FTP Access w/ one optional passworded account in addition to your own and guest (with more purchasable)
10 subdomains free (with more purchasable)
Two options of email clients or use pop3
Really easy to use admin control panel OR FTP access.
Supports pretty much anything from CGI through to SQL (and other three letter acromyns, PhP anyone?)
Free forum, chat facilities optionally.

Enlighten me! =)
you have to pay? are going to get little "customers" what you want is free hosting that gives unlimited mine ^^;...but if someone actually has money then yes, its ok.
In response to Karasu Kami
um. wot? This is my web server. I'm not offering anything u silly person.

go away and actually read the post before you reply.