in my game, every time you hit a punch-bag, it'll give you about 12 experience, once you get to over 1000 experience, you level up and the experience is reset to 0.(thats what i want it to do)
at the moment all it does is
I think it may be due to the main Login() proc, because i've set the experience and level to 0.
I know its not the greatest of information, but can someone please help me?
-~Evil Guy~-
If you need it to be re-written, or you need some coding in it, tell me.
![]() Aug 30 2003, 12:28 am
Suggestion: Limit the experience a person can gain from a punching bag per level. If it takes 1000 experience points to level up the first time, then limit this to 600 or so. It forces people to use some variety in how they build up their character.
This isn't all that hard to handle: mob This should solve some of the design flaws inherent in using training rooms. It'll make your game more interesting to play. If you want you can also extend this system, so for example you might have an experience limit on a specific kind of creature but also on their class, so maybe you can only get up to 200 for killing rabbits, but 500 total for killing small animals. Lummox JR |
Anyway, it's not realistic. I could punch a bag for hours on end, and not increase my fighting skills one bit. Strength maybe, but not skill. Bags don't tend to dodge a whole lot. =P
You should have a different method of experience. If your game involves killing monsters, give experience for that. If there are quests to do, give experience for those. Or you could use the Hedgerow Hall model, and give experience based on playing time.