After September 11 the usa set up what is known as darpa (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) to ensure that we're all safe from the terrorists. However, any intelligent person can see that they're just using this to spy on everyone and gain supreme control over all of us. Their new program IAO (Information Awareness Office) is clearly just the government going to far and destroying our personal liberties. But then what's that? Oh sweet holy god they used masonic symbols as IAO's logo. I don't know, there just seems like something is totally wrong with this whole thing to me. Visit and tell me what you think. Are we even safe in our own country? And if the Illuminai are so secret then how come their stuff is everywhere out in the open? What do you guys think about all this B.S. "homeland security" stuff?
Would you rather live somewhere else? Even if they take a few things away were still better off than most everyone else in the world.
Don't forget about the DMCA and similar messed up US law! Also, many agencies keep trying to instute programs that "track" one minority group or another. A program to track the homeless is probably the most recent example. Eventually one of these attempts wont get shot down, and they'll succeed. Afterwards, they'll start adapting it to track other people until they have the whole populace of the US under their watch!!! </paranoia>
In response to Jotdaniel
Would I rather live somewhere else? Why does everyone say that? No I would rather that my home didn't have scary things that watch us wherever we go. If I type bomb president allah is great then their ESCHATON thing just found it and this message will be recorded. I'm just saying that it's wierd. I don't know. I hardly know enough about where I live as it is, so how would I know if it's better someplace else? I just think that a soicety that bases it's existence off of money is inherently evil. And of course, to that statement, most people will respond with the same sad robotic answer "well without money how will you get things?".
In response to Jon88
They start out by saying "this can be used to track criminals from space so they can't hide from the law." but who even knows where spying will go to in the future. for that matter, who even knows how far it's advanced now?
In response to Sir Ham
Unless you live in a communistic society you always need one thing to get another, that need has been replaced by money, you need money to get that thing. If we didnt have money people would horde other things, whatever would get you the most. Do you not understand this concept?
In response to Sir Ham
With these new "tech laws", they can arrest for practically anything. According to the DMCA, as it stands, I(if I were in the US) could write down a sentence on program on a computer in pig latin, and call it encryption. Then, if you(and you were in the US) decrypted it to normal english, and told anyone else what the decryption is, I could sue, and the DMCA says I'd win. (Possibly an exaggeration, but it's still pretty bad)
In response to Jotdaniel
Yeah it's called basic economics. There is a need for scarce resources and soicety allocates them to people via who has money to have them. I just mean the the point of life should be more noble then getting money to buy things thats all. I guess nobody cares about heaven or hell anymore. Is anyone on byond even a christian? A true christian?
In response to Sir Ham
I am, but the world doesnt work without money, its something youll just have to accept, even if you dont like it.
In response to Jotdaniel
Money is fine. Laws that cause us to be tracked, and have some of our rights taken away for the most foolish of reasons, and to the benefit of corporations no less, is not.
In response to Jon88
That's stupid but also funny for our (my){their} government passing something so stupid as that...The more you learn about America the more your head hurts. How is it even possible that people go about their daily lives without protest? I ask each of you to make that decision for yourself, but for myself, I think that from this point on I will try to bring to light all the absurdities of the USA and if something wrong is happening (a.k.a. war in iraq) i will actually protest! It's time for Americans to stop being such lazy liberal conservative lops. It's time for some radical progressivism if we hope for the future of this planet to get any better. It's true I'm only 17 and prehaps I can't do much now, but just remember, even Stalin and Hitler were 17 once. Go here too, it's worth it I think. (unless you're like most americans and you don't like hearing both sides of something){history is the history as told by the people that control people}[the winners]
In response to Jon88
Well then protest with me! Let's mail (e-mail) our congress and whoever and try to get some response! Let us tell our government, which is supposedly for the people and BY the people, how we want our lives to be governed. Because as you know, we are the future and we will determine how WE live our lives. Any ideas as to how we can get notice? How we can tell OUR government just how we feel?
In response to Sir Ham
Sir Ham wrote:
... (unless you're like most americans and you don't like hearing both sides of something){history is the history as told by the people that control people}[the winners] ...

Not always true. Ever heard of the war of 1812? No? If your population and cultural influence is high enough even if you're the loser you get to tell most of the history. Although it was more of a stalemate than a victory for either side, the British(and Canada) were winning it for the first good bit.
In response to Jon88
Isn't that also what the American called the French-Indian war? Or am I totally off?
In response to Sir Ham
No idea.
In response to Jon88
Are you from England?
In response to Sir Ham
In a naive, idealistic, theoretical, imaginary world, money wouldn't be necessary...

However, the world and the society we live in (not just American society; I mean the human society) is so dependant upon our system of money, that we simply can't get away from it without drastic changes that mankind is all but incapable of making...

Therefore, the only thing for any of us to do is to sit back, and live with it...and find other ways of making our lives fulfilling... Hoping for a better tomorrow does no one any good if that better tomorrow can't happen...

As for your final question, very few people in this world are true Christians anymore... It's not just a BYOND trend, it's the way the world is headed... Religion is dying, in my opinion... Sure there are still plenty of devout religious people left, but even the vast majority of those who say they are Christians (or members of any other religion) aren't really... They're only pretending...

And I'm suddenly struck with a funny parallel... This thread was started to speak out against our government's increasingly invasive actions on our privacy... But, according to the religious, hasn't God been "spying" on us all along? lol Does anyone ever complain about that? Why not? Because God is looking out for our well-being? Well, what do you think the government is trying to do? Exactly the same thing... No, there is not some malicious intent to set our world up as presented in "1984"... The government is acting on what they feel is the most beneficial thing for us... Whether they're right or wrong on their opinion of what is good for us is a matter for debate... But the point is that their motives are good...don't start vilifying them yet...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Bad point though. God is pure good and lacks in his being the capasity to have evil whereas our government is almost certainly pure evil.
Sir Ham wrote:
After September 11 the usa set up what is known as darpa (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) to ensure that we're all safe from the terrorists.

I think you may be confused. DARPA was created in 1958. One of its many projects over the years was a little communications network that eventually became the internet as we know it.

What you're probably talking about is the relatively new Department of Homeland Security. That DARPA has created its Information Awareness Office is probably a side effect of all this anti-terrorism focus. Since DARPA is a research agency, it makes sense that they would handle the research angle of fighting terrorism. But then again, maybe the federal bureaucracy is so monstrous that one agency doesn't know that another is duplicating work and wasting tax dollars. Wouldn't be the first time it's happened...

Just wanted to clear that up!
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
... But the point is that their motives are good...don't start vilifying them yet...

Yeah, uhuh, sure. Their motives could be based on any number of science fiction novels, including the post-apocalyptic ones. Many of the laws benefit only the corporations. The rest just take away rights for no particaular reason other than "terrorists". Although many of these laws actually have good reason for them, many invade on privacy, and constitutional rights.
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