i just helped three people on newbie central, i directed them to my demos, and i didnt even get a thanks out of it!!
Welcome to the wonderful world of trying to help newbies. :oP

(I clicked on this topic wondering what kind of HTML derivative (or something) GRML was...)
In response to Foomer
In response to Mousie_kebabs
Helping newbies is (usually) a thankless task. Don't expect to get anything out of it, except possibly an improvement in your karma. =)
In response to Crispy
Helping newbies raises my blood pressure -_-
I help out some, and help out probably most newbie develepors inderectly, and I do it without thanks.

You just do it to improve the community :)
I get thanks, I usually help people in Chatters so I rarely dare descend into the depths of Newbie Central unless I need to post something there.
What is Grml?
In response to Mousie_kebabs
Blah, a one word post. Which isn't even a word :P. I advise you to read Tom's Announcement. No trouble, just for future reference ;).

You helped the person to get the thanks. Just help the person because they need help :P.
