Seeing how you code, I suggest gaining more experience as a DM programmer before releasing demos. However, when you decide to put a demo out, here are 4 easy steps:
1) Make sure your demo is bugless. I suggest including a "readme" file to help inexperienced coders understand what your demo is doing.
2) Make a Hub Entry for your demo. (Go to "Your Account", go to My Hub, and click New Hub Entry)
3) Submit the demo to DM.Demos and wait for it to be accepted.
4) No #4. I just like saying there are 4 easy steps.
On one of the hub entry tabs (distribution maybe) it has a channels thing. There should be a dropdown menu. Look down until you find DM.DEMOS and hit the submit butten.
1) Make sure your demo is bugless. I suggest including a "readme" file to help inexperienced coders understand what your demo is doing.
2) Make a Hub Entry for your demo. (Go to "Your Account", go to My Hub, and click New Hub Entry)
3) Submit the demo to DM.Demos and wait for it to be accepted.
4) No #4. I just like saying there are 4 easy steps.
Good luck.