Okay first off my attack verb wont work here it is:
attack(mob/M as mob in oview(1))
usr << "you attack [m]!"
oview() << [usr] attacks [m]!"
var/damage = rand(1,5) + usr.str/2 - mdef
mhp =- damage
all i get are a whole bunch of errors saying mdef and mhp are undefined vars i set them under mob/M/var
next is my pickup verb
mob/verb/pickup(obj/item/ in oview(1))
src = usr.contents
new /obj/item/ (src)
del /obj/item/ in oview(1)
same with my drop, equip, and unequip verbs
plz help!!!!
i also tried setting icons for stats but that didnt work too well
![]() Jun 1 2003, 9:01 pm
for the stat icons in some games people have it so u can see icons next to there verb i.e in the rpgstarter kit bylil trunks he has eyes that move next to his look around verb, i tried something similar for stats bu it just gives me errors
and on more thing i have an idea on how to get a shop system going but i dont know if it will work so here it goes!
mob verb shop(mob/npc/shop in view(1)) usr << "welcome look around and if you find something bring it up." list("Weapons","Armor") if(list == "Weapons") list("Dagger","Short Sword","Broad Sword", "Long Sword") etc.... same kinda thing for armor then if(list = "Sword") usr << "Sword costs 500 gold, want it anyway?" input list("Yes","No") if("Yes" if(usr.gold >=500) Set src in oview(1) src.loc=usr usr << "you bought the Sword" else usr << "you do not have enough gold!" I know alot of this is probably incorrect but im just checking, if it will work ill put it in if not, then back to the drawing board. |
....and one other thing i just thught of, how would i make monsters wander until they see a usr then move towards them and attack?
Don't say usr. That will only lead to trouble when you put usr all willy-nilly around your code. Say "player," not "usr."
icon = 'monster.dmi' icon_state = "monster" npc = 0 health = 10 maxhealth = 10 strength = 10 exp = 50 var/mob/characters/Playa New() .=..() spawn(1) Wander() proc/Wander() while(src) if (Playa in oview(5)) step_towards(src,Playa) else step_rand(src) for(P layain view(src)) break sleep(5) spawn(40) Wander() Bump(mob/M) if (istype(M,/mob/characters)) NPCAttack(M) proc/NPCAttack(mob/M) M.damage(M) You will have to make a new proc for damage and call it up when the mosnetr attacks also as to your attack verb if i were you id take out all that def- crap and make it into the proc damage and have it called up whwve you click the attack verb it will save you alot of time and effort for npc's and other things instead of wrighting it out numerous times. |
There are a very large number of problems in this. Do not take this person's advice. Ignore the post this post was in reply to, and do not listen to Cloud54367.
Setting icons for stats? What do you mean by that?