/**my problem is when i use this code i get a error of proc but ive defined the goddamn proc i dunne understand the way of the procasaurus rex...**/
if(usr.exp >=usr.expn)
usr.Lvl +=1
usr.exp = 0
usr.expn = usr.expn * 2
if(hp <=0)
src.hp = src.maxhp
oview() << "[src] has been KILLED!!!"
usr << "
[src] is DEAD!!!"
usr.loc = locate(6,14,1)
usr.exp += g_exp
NEVER USE USR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAAHAHAHAHH I LEARNED THAT THE HARD WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, with your proc change all usr's to src

Anyways, your src should be changed to M for the non clients, and then change usr to src, which would be you. usr.levelcheck just will NOT cut it. Instead odo src.levelcheck()
In response to Bischoff
Anyways, your src should
be changed to M for the non clients, and then change usr to src, which would be you. usr.levelcheck just will NOT cut it. Instead odo src.levelcheck()
uhm it was origionally .src ive tried M:levelcheck() src.levelcheck() AND usr.levelcheck() just unlucky for you that you saw it while it was usr. :P
In response to Hellgate_uk
actually it did do somthing it made things 8 times worse with 8 errors instead of 1...... please somone help ive set em all back to usr. so i just have the 1 error again :) just somone help
In response to Hellgate_uk
Thanks go to nandrew for his great leveling system i just had to edit it a tiny bit now i can continue with my game sorry to bother you all thanks for all ur help
In response to Bischoff
Usr is perfectly acceptable as long as it's in the right place. Saying never to use usr is like saying to always use usr.

usr: the mob that initiated the series of procs. It will be null if a player didn't start it.

src: the object (client, mob, obj, turf, whatever) that the proc belongs to.