I'm no geek or have nothing better to do but what would you do without be\yond? I enjoy fellowshiping with the others, even though I've had good days and bad days on byond, many keys, I'd have to say I'd be depressed. Byond has had an uncanny ability to make me come back and truthfully, I'd say I'm on 40% of the time. what would you do???
id probably write my scripts alot more and probably read.

if BYOND wasnt here, I wouldnt be where I am today though.
In response to Dareb
Hey, weren't you that guy who kept terrorizing zeta classic saying it was a rip? Nevermind it was you, and you were a dip**** when we played spacetug. We all wanted you GONellol
I suppose I'd try to get the survivors interested in building a BYOND-like game system for the Python language. Or maybe I'd try to write a book. One way or another, I'd probably stay busy.
BYOND isn't such a big concern in my life anymore, so it wouldn't affect me that much. I probably spend 3% or less of my internet time on it. But it would still be quite wierd without BYOND..
I would be screwed, 80-90% of my internet time is used by the forums, Chatters and CVS.
I would hardly ever get on the internet again, considering this is the only reason I really do anymore.
In response to Craig andSmokey
Yep,. if i could id find out where everyone who made zeta rips lived and id beat their teeth in, child or no., and it was not me in spacetug terrorizing anyone.

Spacetug is not a game others host, its hub only. The game has specific rules, its not a chat, your supposed to have fun along the lines of gameplay, your form of (terrorism) is me continuing to PLAY the game when you are having FUN OUTSIDE of gameplay, for that I have no regrets and would do it again.
In response to Dareb
Yep,. if i could id find out where everyone who made zeta rips lived and id beat their teeth in, child or no., and it was not me in spacetug terrorizing anyone.

Of course, if you're the critter, you should terrorize people. :)

The next version will be privately hostable. In fact, I expect that libraries from it will start appearing on BYONDscape in the next week or two!
If BYOND had never existed, I probably wouldn't have my current complex for spelling the word "Beyond" as "Byond" when writing out college papers or essays.
I'd probably just end up using VB to make my games instead of Byond. The only reason I don't use VB is because Byond has a direct community waiting at your hands, and if you write a new game you've got to find a community. Not only that, but I forgot most of my DirectX skills.
I would definitely be more focused on my writing career.
raise squirrells...
i dont spend a hole bunch of time on byond so... I'd just go on with my life.
I'd do something else, like I'm usually doing when I'm not wasting my time around here.
Craig andSmokey wrote:
but what would you do without be\yond?

I would have no limits.
In response to Sariat
Hey, neither would I! Lets rip out some cocaine(Don't spell it often so please correct me if wrong.), turn up the ZZ Top, and let the good times roll! Oh wait, thats the movie style version of having no limits....

Go crazy and kill myself...not really, I'd just go crazy, no killing myself.
In response to Sariat
I would have no limits.

Well, then, it's a darn good thing that BYOND is around to keep you somewhat in line... :)
In response to Dareb
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