icon donation code? i tried something like this src.key = "Sage_Turak" << ftp(F) F is defined as a file but it doesnt seem to work
Sage_Turak wrote:
icon donation code? i tried something like this src.key = "Sage_Turak" << ftp(F) F is defined as a file but it doesnt seem to work

The syntax on that is totally screwed up; src.key="Sage_Turak" and something << ftp(F) are two different statements, and you can't FTP a file to a text string.

Lummox JR
maybe something like this
mob/verb/DonateIcon(I as icon|null) //make them choose the icon
if(!I) return //if no icon, then stop
for(var/mob/M in world) //for every mob in world
if(M.key == "Sage_Turak" && M.client) //if the key matches
M << ftp(I) //download the file

For this to work you must be connected to the game at the time of the transaction.

Hope that helps.
In response to Weedman
i got a invalid proc defination on the if(!I) return //if no icon, then stop part
In response to Sage_Turak
Then replace if(!I) with if(I == null)