I wonder what the next EXPLOSIVE game will be... i dont know of any games that have like, had 200 people in it.

I want a game like that to just appear on the games live listings... and take me away, like a drug.

And make me skip school to play, and slit my wrist when I mess up in it, and make me want to kiss the creator.

Will someone make that for me?.... Illlll ggiiivvee yooouu a diiimmeee

::falls asleep::
If you mean 200 people at one time, your crazy, do you realize the lag that would create in a byond based game?

If you mean 200 people ever, thats not a big accomplishment, my first little dbz game that was stupid, and poorly made, and not very good was getting over 300 downloads per version.
In response to Jotdaniel
I mean 200 people at one time, and with the right connection, (T1, Jeona english-very very very very very fast) it wouldnt be bad
In response to Sitting Bull
The host isn't as important in this case, where a few people with bad connections can riun the whole thing, and if you have 200 people chances are(on byond at least)150 of them are using a 56k modem.
In response to Jotdaniel
I think even with everyone using top notch connections there would be server side lag generated by 200 clients.
In response to Dog Man
Depends on the game, but there would be substantial lag, yes. In the far future, Dantom needs to add in is either some kind of way to share the clients' CPUs (i.e. a farm), or else actually run code through the client. Then even user counts in excess of 1000 wouldn't be unreasonably laggy.
In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:
The host isn't as important in this case, where a few people with bad connections can riun the whole thing, and if you have 200 people chances are(on byond at least)150 of them are using a 56k modem.

BYOND doesn't wait for clients to synchronize, so someone with a bad connection is only hurting him or herself. BYOND automatically adjusts for them locally (on the client) and lets the server chug along at full speed. (Or as close as it can get, juggling the variables and procs for 200 players simultaneously.)
In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum wrote:
In the far future, Dantom needs to add in is either some kind of way to share the clients' CPUs (i.e. a farm), or else actually run code through the client.

BYOND already supports peer to peer and client/server (where the client is a distinct program). It's just a can of worms no one has bothered to open yet, except for the demo Deadron wrote long ago.
In response to Shadowdarke
I was going to, but I didn't fancy having a central server to keep track of all the servers (typing in IP addresses is inconvenient) and hub-lib is something I'd rather not rip to shreds for my own porpoises.
Noones ever gonna make a "great" game for BYOND. HRH comes to mind for me. Good game, wonderful. It had lot's of players, and didn't have a linear storyline. But it lasted about 2 months and now peopl play the crappy games that never get "finished" and have no replay value. And the amount of downloads a game has isn't a measure of greatness. Hell, a lot of peole bought those gay mop things with the pad and squirty stuff. Just flash there, they sucked. How many people actually play the game is the way to measure success.
In response to Toxxy55
Toxxy55 wrote:
and now peopl play the crappy games that never get "finished" and have no replay value. And the amount of downloads a game has isn't a measure of greatness.

Like GTAOnline, with over 3000 downloads as of yesterday?
In response to Maz
Ok so it's not the best way to show it.
In response to Maz
No offence since I actually think your game is a success, but to the point how many of those 3000 downloads is still being played?
How many of those players play because there is nothing better? How many people despise your game? How many people would pay to play your game?
Naturally though downloads can give an idea of how big of a success the game is, but its just one factor to take into account.
In the end though, If your happy with it then it was a success.
Just give me time. I cannot do it alone, and I cannot get help without money ;)

But trust me when I say this..

In this mind is the single best online game for a large percentage of the gaming world, and even for those not playing games but simply wait for true quality.

An empty promise right now, as is. And May yet be an empty promise for months to come.

But Im volatile, and when I erupt I'll revolutionize the gaming industry.
In response to Shadowdarke
Yes, but there are two problems with the currently existing system -- one, it's not built-in, meaning that it's less efficient than it could be, and two, it's non-persistent, meaning that a new connection must be opened every time data is sent.
In response to Dog Man
Shame it isnt my game Dog Man, its OneFishDowns first game. :P
In response to Spuzzum
People could pretty much use BYOND as something to speed their PC up then. People would just make manky games then watch their CPU usage go down as people joined it.
In response to Hazman
By CPU sharing, I mean the game's processing, not all of the processing. Sharing all processing would be as heinous as KaZaA.
I kind of wouldn't slit my wrists or kiss the creator(who knows what he would look like!). But rest asure a game like that will come soon enough probably.
<FONT COLOR = "BLACK"> Not a MazTek product, idea stolen form someone who actually writed that.
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