I always thought I was the original Idealer for a Byond Monopoly game. Now im being told im wrong and I want to find out. So if you will kindly think good and hard on the date you thought up the putting of monopoly game on byond. Now dont be childish and just pick a date before mine without thinking. Also if you do put a date before myn I will be really supprised and probley not balive you any way.

I'm fairly certain that someone, somewhere along the lines from the very earliest days of BYOND has had the idea of making Monopoly in BYOND...

No one has thus far turned it into reality...but I'd place good money that in the very first days, the thought crossed at least one person's mind...

So I'd say you're definitely not the first... You might be the first to actually MAKE one, if you get working right now,
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Green Lime posted this message up when he saw my monopoly game
and i have already done most of the coding and graophics. Just a few minor bugs i need to fix. It'll be out in a week or so (Hope fully lol).
Your definantly not the first. A friend of mine mentioned it on quite a few occassions before that date.
Im sure a lot of people have had a passing thought of making it. Sadly like a lot of Build Your Own Net Dream dreams, it never got built.
In response to Soori-99
Acutally 1 month after that date I got on it a little bit but just in the past 6 months I have been working on a newer version. Then in the past 3 months I really started to work on it. Now its about a 67% done just probley a few more months and it be done.

Dont laugh at the time its taken me to make it cause I have been working on other projects as well. Check out all the demos with in those dates.

Then I think you people are lieing I still don't think you people thought up of a byond monopoly game earlyer than me. And intill a Byond guru whos been here longer than me says I wount balive you noobs.
In response to Green Lime
Okay, I've been here for 3 years, and alot of people have brought up that idea, long before you even joined BYOND.
In response to Nadrew
Could you give me a list of who?
and an explanation why you didnt say so when I anounced I was going to make one?
In response to Green Lime
A small game company called "Parker Brothers" thought of it first, just because you put the word "BYOND" in front of it doesn't make it an original idea, maybe you should rethink your method of reason behind that whole idea.
In response to Nadrew
Are you saying Byondopoly is a bad idea?
In response to Green Lime
Did you call me a Newbie? If I remember right Ive been here waaaay longer then you.
I dont really care, its just annoying when someone attempts to void your oppinion based on somethink like how long youve been at BYOND, especially when they are wrong about it.
In response to Dog Man
Yea right you have been here longer than me I was here when it was called Dung.
In response to Green Lime
Green Lime, with all do respect: How the hell do you remember the exact date you thought about that game?
In response to YoungBlood
I have super good memory. Plus best game idea I came up with.
In response to Green Lime
Green Lime wrote:
Yea right you have been here longer than me I was here when it was called Dung.

you came --> 2/8/01 = non dung user? hmmm

dog man came --> 7/27/00 = dung user? yes
In response to Green Lime
Doesn't matter how long you have been here, it does not make you an established user. Established users have self control, are reasonable and calm in their actions dealing with the community, and other assorted things. So far you have shown nothing of the sort of what I have listed, and of course there are other categories that make listing them all impossible because there are so many. I am not sure but feel that I am off the list of users who do not fit in such a category, but thats just me, everyone hold high opinion on his/herself, such as you may think you should be a mod because you have been here since DUNG.

In response to Branks
Hmmm O.o like i guess your right :). Hmm since every one is aginst me here I give up. Dang forum muglers