How do i get it so that someone uses a verb(in this case charges an attack) it stops them from moving for the duration of that verb.......

NOTE:For the people who said that dbz games arent worth it anymore,well,mine(DBZ:Quest for Power) has been quite full(20+ people) therefore im gonna keep making it.
frozen = 0 //define the var frozen and set to 0
blasting = 0

mob/Move() //call the move proc
if(usr.frozen == 1) //if the user is frozen
return 0 //dent allow movement
if(usr.blasting == 1)
return 0
else //if not
return ..() //allow the movement

//now make a verb for it
mob/verb/freeze(mob/M in world)
if(M.frozen == 1) //if the mob is already frozen
if(M.frozen == 0) //if not
M.frozen = 1 //freeze the mob
sleep(100) //wait 10 seconds
M.frozen = 0 //unfreeze the mob

thats if u want to freeze another person

but if u want to stop the user from moving then u can usr it in the same format

mob/verb/kameha(mob/M in oview())
if(usr.blasting == 1)
usr << "You are already using an attack"
usr.blasting = 1
oview() << "KA......
the rest of the codes ........

hope thats helpful
You know, the reason people play your DBZ game is because it's no different from any others. The moment you put in more features than "Run up to someone, press/macro attack verb, get more power, repeat," noone will play it any more.
SSj2-Mystic wrote:
NOTE:For the people who said that dbz games arent worth it anymore,well,mine(DBZ:Quest for Power) has been quite full(20+ people) therefore im gonna keep making it.

20 people aint much, a lot of the time you get 20 then after a while you get small numbers of people coming in.
In response to Soori-99