i thought it would be easier to set macros if there was sumthin like set macro = "A" similar to the set category and set name vars and the others which can be set. Will this ever be added on byond?
Soori-99 wrote:
i thought it would be easier to set macros if there was sumthin like set macro = "A" similar to the set category and set name vars and the others which can be set. Will this ever be added on byond?

Check out: macro
In response to Tom
ya thats how i use macros but i thought it would be easier if u can set it when ur makin the verb. sorry to have bothered u lol
In response to Soori-99
Soori-99 wrote:
ya thats how i use macros but i thought it would be easier if u can set it when ur makin the verb. sorry to have bothered u lol

Oh, I see what you mean. That's a good suggestion, but right now it's not really consistent with the way we handle the macro system, which is all client-side, not server-side. We'll keep the idea in mind, though!
In response to Tom