this should be easy but how do you check in the usr invento try to see if an item is in the inventory? someone like
icon = 'Objects.dmi'
icon_state = "TypeWriter"
if(/obj/Ink in usr.contents)
ive tryed this and it doesn't worry i want to not use vars if neone can help plz
Aug 23 2002, 11:50 am
In response to Super16
didnt work.... any other suggestions?
In response to Shy_guy197
var/num = 0 for(var/obj/O in usr) if(istype(O,/obj/ink)) num ++ if(num > 0) then do your stuff here |
In response to Super16
i wanna do this without the use of vars... vars can become hard to keep up with....
In response to Shy_guy197
num was just for the use of the count so that it is easier to detect. I checked if num was greater than 0 or have 1 or more inks than they can do what they want. Shouldn't be difficult...
In response to Super16
TypeWriter icon = 'Objects.dmi' icon_state = "TypeWriter" verb Write_Note() for(var/obj/O in usr) if(istype(O,/obj/Ink)) new /obj/Note(usr) for(var/obj/Note/K in usr.contents) if(K.icon_state == "NoteCustom") continue else K.NoteName = input("What the main name of the note?")as text K.Desc = input("Now... Write the note")as text = K.NoteName K.icon_state = "NoteCustom" return usr << "You need ink first" i think this did it |
In response to Super16
i dont understand why byond doesn't have something like
if(/obj/Ink in usr.contents) and what evers next.... unless there is a way that is |
In response to Shy_guy197
If you have a verb on an object, once it's in your inventory only then will it appear. You do not if(blah as obj in usr.contents) or find.
Just so you know. Alatar |
In response to Super16
Super16 wrote:
Try, Gads no. That will work no better than the original code. The problem is, you're looking for a type path, not an actual object of that type. The contents list doesn't contain type paths; it contains objects. To look up an object by its type, you'd need to use locate() or for(). What you want is: if(locate(/obj/ink) in usr) Lummox JR |
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox, is it possible to use isloc() like this?
In response to Super16
Super16 wrote:
Lummox, is it possible to use isloc() like this? No, because isloc() only tells you if something is an atom or not; it doesn't find an item for you. Lummox JR |