Hmmm I was woundering if a hacker was good enough he would be able to copy the Input code when it pops up and run it back and forward bringing it up since the input box is a part of the windows system. So too all coders out there with a Leveling system that has to do with uppping and inputs then. Please make sure to check the xp to see if its right after the person levels just in case hes not doing what I like to call a Runback.
Thanks Limey Beans out
Aug 6 2002, 4:48 pm
In response to Lummox JR
Actually the very best known tools of hackers (and crackers) rely on unexpected inputs in places otherwise used for ordinary purposes. See, by signing his name twice where you only expected it once, LummoxJR was attempting to hack into your mind. -AbyssDragon |
In response to AbyssDragon
AbyssDragon wrote:
Actually the very best known tools of hackers (and crackers) rely on unexpected inputs in places otherwise used for ordinary purposes. And let's not forget his obviously intentional spelling of supposde. |
In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum wrote:
AbyssDragon wrote: *Blank stare straight ahead* Lummox will tell us what to do. |
In response to Spuzzum
Egads, I must have been more zonked than I thought when I wrote that.
Lummox JR |
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Egads, I must have been more zonked than I thought when I wrote that. Uh oh! He used the code word "zonked." Everyone into your bomb shelters!! |
I'm not sure what you mean by "run it back and forward bringing it up". What do you mean by "a Leveling system that has to do with upping and inputs"? What is "upping" supposde to mean?
If you mean displaying an Input() box again and again, I don't see why that would matter even if it could be done. And it pretty much can't.
But by and large, good error checking is critical to any case where you get input from the player. For example, the famous GiveGold() bug in so many games where you can "give" another player a negative amount of money, and the game doesn't complain because it only checks to see if you gave too much. Likewise many things depend on exact integer variables, and a player could enter something like 2.1 to screw it up. Actually the very best known tools of hackers (and crackers) rely on unexpected inputs in places otherwise used for ordinary purposes.
Lummox JR
Lummox JR