hi!!!1 i've been byonding off and on awhile, but i haven't really been serious or posted before... this forum seems to be the "chat place" for byonders, so i thought it would be a good place to introduce my fine feathered self.
my name is actually sandra, i'm 15, and i like computer games... but my passion is actually tv shows. i think you can learn a lot about people by looking at the shows they watch... not just what they watch, but why. so, i was wondering... what's everyone's favorite show, and why?
![]() Apr 11 2002, 9:03 pm
Why? Not really for any complex reason... I just like it because it's fantasy... I don't look for much realism in my entertainment... If I wanted reality...I wouldn't be watching TV...lol There's plenty of reality in my real life... So this show is so completely unreal that I find it entertaining... It's also a classic superhero type show... I've always been a sucker for heroes and titanic good vs evil battles... And this series has plenty of those... It's fairly mindless entertainemnt, as well... And I happen to enjoy watching TV that I don't have to think about to enjoy...lol (don't get me wrong...I like intellectual shows as well...) But at the same time...once you get into it a bit further...you start to learn of all of this complexity and detail in the series... It starts to become deeper and deeper the more you know about it... I like that dual nature... It's fun to learn all there is to know and sometimes still be surprised by new facts... All in all... I just like this show a lot... I have since day 1, too... From the very first time I saw an episode until now I've been a diehard fan... It may not be the "best" show ("best" is such a relative term)...but it's a great show in my opinion... And quite frankly...what else matters? |
I used to actually like DBZ (alot).. I guess after a while I just lost interest, the story started seeming repetive, and dry. But that's just my opinion.
My favorite show is Buffy the Vampire Slayer... for many reasons.
First and foremost, I grew up with an older brother who was (and is) very "into" comic books. I'm a compulsive reader, I'll read anything that's in the same house as me eventually, and so I read a great many comic books. It gave me a definite taste for cross-genre superheroic fantasy. Stylistically, I think Buffy TVS is smart in exactly the right places, stupid in exactly the right places, funny in exactly the right places, and dramatic in exactly the right places. Right now, I also like Greg the Bunny because I like Muppets, and knowing subject matter makes it easier to enjoy good parody. I also like the "puppet community" subtext... much like the "super community" in the short-lived live action Tick show, only playing with racial issues instead of orientation. |
You have a fairly accurate opinion...lol
The story does get a bit repetitive... But that's forgiveable when you realize that it's based on a comic book... What famous comic book series in America isn't repetitive? Superhero meets new bad guy... Superhero defeats new bad guy... They all go through this basic cycle... And DBZ is no different... I see plenty of variation in the plot... But the underlying scenario is always the same... But I just don't see that as a fault... [Edit:] Yes, I realize that my comparison of DBZ to American comic books might seem a bit off since it isn't an American work...but it's similar, and based on the same principles, and that's what I was getting at... |
I don't see it as a fault either. I'd probably still like DBZ a little (instead of hating it) -- If I was still able to watch it, see I don't have cable, only local channels...I actually watch those weird (well sometimes good) cartoons on Saturday morning on FOX, even the few animes they show.
I'm a scifi geek with a hero complex so I currently keep track of Angel (note: off hiatus in a few days), Andromeda, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (same deal as Angel I think), The Chronicle, Digimon, Farscape, Galidor, Medabots, Pilot Candidate, Stargate, and Yuyu Hakusho.
I also keep track of WWF Raw, hoping in vain that someone will give an attitude line that is funny. I've been watching The Shield lately. I find it entertaining but the real reason I watch is because I liked The Commish. The Commish, Constable Bentin Frasier (Due South), and Captain Dylan Hunt (Andromeda) have always impressed me as being actual good guys in a tv full of anti-heroes. I keep joking that the cancellation of Daddio was the last straw and the Commish finally snapped. There's plenty of other stuff I watch, but not religiously. (At least, not anymore.) |
oh, i guess i should say mine too... i used to love ally mcbeal, but after robert downy jr left i lost interest... the show was losing its focus before then and he helped it regain it... its a shame he couldn't keep his act together. its kind of spoiled me on dramas and shows with ongoing stories.
my favorite show right now is will and grace because it's funny and doesnt ask much in terms of mental investment. i know everyone says the sidekicks steal that show but i think grace is actually the funniest character on tv... she's just so... i dont know. it sounds mean, but i see how weak-willed she is and it makes me feel better about myself. :) i like watching friends, but sometimes, its painful to watch ross, like when he's being stupid and you can see where it's heading so far before it happens that it actually hurts to sit through the build up. i feel embarassed for him. |
Speaking of cancellation, you know what show I really liked but never really got a chance? Cupid. That was a great show with Jeremy Piven that lasted about all of three weeks... hour long drama about a man who thought he was Eros/Cupid, the son of Aphrodite/Venus. Very intelligently done. They didn't make a big deal of finding out whether or not he was right... which I appreciated, because my opinion on the existence of the "supernatural" is: it doesn't matter. Trevor Hale (the main character) was driven by faith, therefore, it didn't matter whether he actually was a banished demigod or not, because the truth or falseness of his beliefs was basically unprovable and affect in any way who he was or the things he did.
No. I'm by no means a fan of anime, but I've seen one or two excepionally good movies come out of that style, and I've seen several that were lesser degrees of good.
Come right down to it, I'm just as likely to not enjoy the latest American offering on Cartoon Network as I am to not enjoy the newest Japanese import. |
Hi Sandra!
My new favorite is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It wasn't till I started watching it regularly that I realized how good it was. Or maybe it didn't get good until I started watching it regularly. Other shows I make a point to catch... Junkyard Wars Enterprise Whose Line is it Anyway That "Tough Enough 2" thing on Mtv Shows I like to watch if I am bored and they are on... Trading Spaces Breed All About It, Emergency Vets, and other strange Animal Planet shows Simpsons, Malcolm in the Middle, X-Files I am crazy about Sherlock Holmes on A&E, but I can never figure out when it's on. It seems to shift with the tides. Z |
Considering how many people have said Greg the Bunny (two, but few people have posted on this thread), I'm surprised, too. Not that I like Andy Richter much. I just seem to see a lot of commercials for him during Greg the Bunny.
I did like Andy Richter's (and Conan O'Brien's) role in the short-lived comic book Anima. |
Hehe adult swim you always win with that. i kind of agree on the anime thing because 99.9% of the animes that come to the us are basically porn porn porn good action.
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
I did like Andy Richter's (and Conan O'Brien's) role in the short-lived comic book Anima. interesting... |
I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but my favorite TV show of all time is the cheapest animation of them all, "Beavis and Butthead". Sheer comic genius, if you ask me. Or maybe that's just the effect it had during its "insomniac" 3am time-slot available to us during college.
One of my favorite movies of all time is the camp classic, "Black Belt Jones", staring Jim Kelly and his footlong afro. That's must-see-tv. |
I'll say the same thing about Buffy... except that I never watched it at all until my girlfriend got me to watch one episode. I was sure it was degrading to women and insulting to fans of the movie and just like every other show on television... it only took one episode to prove me wrong. That was season 4... looking back through the past seasons now, I can see that it did get better as it went along, but I never even gave it a chance before then.
Simpsons - It actually has a point, really!
Futurama - I like it because it's pretty funny.
24 - Great action/drama, never gets boring
King of the Hill - A cartoon that reflects on real life situations.
Dragonball Z - Just kidding =P
Greg the Bunny - Very interesting consept
That's a short list of the many shows I enjoy.