I'm absolutely loving many of the game banners I've seen lately. (Well, not so much the ones for anime-related games, but that's because of my overwhelming hatred of anime.) The creativity and artwork that's gone into a lot of these is really amazing.

Good show, people. Keep up the good work.

Lummox JR
My banner sucks, I know it does. I'm not an artist, and I have no banner tools I spent 2 minutes making that banner in MSPaint..
Lummox JR wrote:
I'm absolutely loving many of the game banners I've seen lately. (Well, not so much the ones for anime-related games, but that's because of my overwhelming hatred of anime.) The creativity and artwork that's gone into a lot of these is really amazing.

Good show, people. Keep up the good work.

If it's good, you know I didn't do it. My old L&D banner was a catastrophe, while Guy has one in the works that is quite nice.

Some people (Zilal, Guy) seem to have a knack for doing layout and font choice in that kind of space...
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
My banner sucks, I know it does. I'm not an artist, and I have no banner tools I spent 2 minutes making that banner in MSPaint..

Actually I rather like your banner. And for something done in MS Paint, it's a masterpiece.

Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Good show, people. Keep up the good work.

I agree. I love Runica's banner, and looking at Paint n' Chat's banner really makes my eye twinkle. Kemet's banner is amazing, and Fenris's Apocolypse's banner has some nice drawing. All the other banners are nice, too! :)

I like Life banner. Trinity Star is pretty cool too.
Does anybody have any preferences with a tool for making banners/graphics?

I'd really like to improve my drawing.

In response to Vortezz
Vortezz wrote:
Lummox JR wrote:
Good show, people. Keep up the good work.

I agree. I love Runica's banner, and looking at Paint n' Chat's banner really makes my eye twinkle. Kemet's banner is amazing, and Fenris's Apocolypse's banner has some nice drawing. All the other banners are nice, too! :)

I like the quality of art on the Fenris' Apocalypse banner, but I can't tell what the heck anything is supposed to be (which might be a plus, depending on exactly what genre the game's aiming for). Hrm... looking at the guy on the right, it looks like Spuz got his wish for chair dueling.
In response to Leftley
Lol hehe I'm not the best artist, but i do try hehe. I am trying to get the banner to look better, the guy at the right is "supposed" to be Fenris, but not close enough to what he realy looks like, in other words, I had some trouble drawing him hehe. Hehe the reason why you can't point out stuff in the banner in the game, is because all the stuff it shows is stuff that you see at a later level hehe :P
In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
I like Life banner. Trinity Star is pretty cool too.
Does anybody have any preferences with a tool for making banners/graphics?

I'd been looking at cool banners for a while when I finally saw Trinity Star's, and that put me over the top and convinced me to post. I got to thinking then what good work really went into all those banners.

Lummox JR
One of my favorites is the Bunnyflip one. Those bunnies sure are cute...

In response to Sariat
Does anybody have any preferences with a tool for making banners/graphics?

Paint Shop Pro is a great program... kind of complex, but very powerful. Sometimes I create some visual elements in Amorphium Pro and Project Dogwaffle (and occasionally even MS Paint), but I almost always end up bringing them into PSP for touch-up/resizing/whatever.

My favorite at the moment is Echelon's.

On a side note, when I first saw Medieval Conquest's banner, I slightly misread it and got the entirely wrong meaning.

For some reason, I didn't process the word "role" (and I read it all top to bottom), which makes it read:

"Take a break from playing Medieval Conquest and try an addictive, strategic board game."

In response to Deadron
Deadron wrote:
My old L&D banner was a catastrophe...

Heh, I loved that thing! Ah, nostalgia for big blue disembodied heads...

Maybe that's what Skysaw should name the band...

In response to Sariat
I used MS Paint for almost everything in my banners, heh. All the banners but one are just text in various fonts and colors, with graphics from the games. My Cerulea banner had a graphic on it I made in Adobe PhotoDeluxe, but it's not currently active. You can do a lot with just fonts.

In response to AbyssDragon
AbyssDragon wrote:
My favorite at the moment is Echelon's.

On a side note, when I first saw Medieval Conquest's banner, I slightly misread it and got the entirely wrong meaning.

For some reason, I didn't process the word "role" (and I read it all top to bottom), which makes it read:

"Take a break from playing Medieval Conquest and try an addictive, strategic board game."

Heh! That's classic.
Excellent banner, too. It's simple, tasteful, very nicely done.

Lummox JR
In response to AbyssDragon
AbyssDragon wrote:
For some reason, I didn't process the word "role" (and I read it all top to bottom), which makes it read:

"Take a break from playing Medieval Conquest and try an addictive, strategic board game."

Yes, it would probably be better if Dramstud moved "and try" from the bottom line to the top. Then it would read:

Take a break from role playing and try
<font size=+2>Medieval Conquest</font>
an addictive, strategic board game.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
AbyssDragon wrote:
My favorite at the moment is Echelon's.

On a side note, when I first saw Medieval Conquest's banner, I slightly misread it and got the entirely wrong meaning.

For some reason, I didn't process the word "role" (and I read it all top to bottom), which makes it read:

"Take a break from playing Medieval Conquest and try an addictive, strategic board game."

Heh! That's classic.
Excellent banner, too. It's simple, tasteful, very nicely done.

Lummox JR

Thanks! It was a collaborative effort between me and my girlfriend (aka REMFemme), so I'll pass the compliment on to her.
In response to Shadowdarke
Shadowdarke wrote:
AbyssDragon wrote:
For some reason, I didn't process the word "role" (and I read it all top to bottom), which makes it read:

"Take a break from playing Medieval Conquest and try an addictive, strategic board game."

Yes, it would probably be better if Dramstud moved "and try" from the bottom line to the top. Then it would read:

Take a break from role playing and try
<font size=+2>Medieval Conquest</font>
an addictive, strategic board game.

Yea, that would make it clearer. Perhaps I'll accompany the next version (hopefully coming soon) with a banner update as well.
In response to Dramstud
your girlfriend codes(and I'm assuming plays) video games! you have the most perfect girlfriend in the world!
In response to Canar
Canar wrote:
your girlfriend codes(and I'm assuming plays) video games! you have the most perfect girlfriend in the world!

yep, we have a lot in common.

She's been working on a byond game, but I'm not sure when it will be ready. Unlike me, she is gainfully employed at the moment ;).
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