I have this code as my bump
and it does move the Grave. But I can also move table and counters and other objs with density how do I make it only be able to move just this grave.
Jan 20 2002, 5:15 am
Jan 20 2002, 5:59 am
Look up your buddy istype().
In response to Nadrew
ok I have this now
Bump() var/obj/grave/G if(istype(G,/obj/grave)) if(usr.dir==NORTH) G.Move(locate(usr.x,usr.y+2,usr.z)) if(usr.dir==SOUTH) G.Move(locate(usr.x,usr.y-2,usr.z)) if(usr.dir==EAST) G.Move(locate(usr.x+2,usr.y,usr.z)) if(usr.dir==WEST) G.Move(locate(usr.x-2,usr.y,usr.z)) and now when I try and move the obj/grave it doesnt do any thing |
In response to Green Lime
Bump(G) if(istype(G,/obj/grave)) if(usr.dir==NORTH) G:Move(locate(usr.x,usr.y+2,usr.z)) if(usr.dir==SOUTH) G:Move(locate(usr.x,usr.y-2,usr.z)) if(usr.dir==EAST) G:Move(locate(usr.x+2,usr.y,usr.z)) if(usr.dir==WEST) G:Move(locate(usr.x-2,usr.y,usr.z)) That should work. It worked for me. |
In response to Green Lime
Green Lime wrote:
Bump() Ookay. Assuming you have bump() on the player, not the grave you're trying to move.. it should be Bump(var/G).. then you should use istype(G,/obj/grave).. after that, you can put the stuff in to move it. Also, instead of doing all those ifs, you could use a switch.. or, even better, you could do something better by making it take a step in the direction the player is facing.. So.. (In the player mob object, I think. Bump is called on the player, with blocking object as an arg.. I think. I hope.) Bump(var/G) I'm probably wrong, and it's untested. If nothing else, at least you should have a clue on how to avoid all those ifs(). Seeing so many people using them instead of turn() and such is giving me a headache.. --Tarmas. |
In response to Dog Man
Sorry but I figured this out this morning I just forgot to say so on the forum.