Hey everyone I am kinda back I geuss you could say, I was in utah for a while and I am still attempting to install my new hard drive on my computer and it is not going so well so I will get a friend who works for HP to do it for me but I still have learned alot :). I just wanted to say hi and what have I missed I see a few new names and some stuff diff about the site, I have not had the pleasure to see the seeker yet becuase I am not on my computer and had to format my drives. Talk to you guys later...Glad to be back
Jan 6 2002, 12:08 pm
In response to Stealth 2k
Stealth 2k wrote:
Thanks for the welcome back... Hey...You bumped it alittle to fast...I was just gonna reply to this thread and welcome you back but...Seems I was too slow :(. Anyway welcome back, but next time refrain from bumping :) Lee |
In response to Mellifluous
Okily Dokily thx Lee.
5telath2k |
In response to Stealth 2k
Ok I was just wondering is there anything new on BYOND that I have missed, the only thing I have noticed is the "BYONDscape" and I will look at all of that when I get MY computer back up.
In response to Stealth 2k
Stealth 2k wrote:
Ok I was just wondering is there anything new on BYOND that I have missed, the only thing I have noticed is the "BYONDscape" and I will look at all of that when I get MY computer back up. BYONDscape has been one of the big ones. Also big news is that some huge improvements have gone into BYOND 307, which is soon going to be released as 311. Interface options that never existed before are available now, and many operations are vastly more efficient. Lummox JR |
In response to Lummox JR
Cool, I downloaded the latest beta just yesterday and hid it somewhre on the computer I use since it isn't mine and I like the option that you can invite geusts from your pager :) I will be lookin to see what else it has :)
Stealth2k |
P.S Sorry if you consider this bumping, I have no reason to bump this post any ways.