I posted here because it is not really a code problem and could be easily answered. I have two questions,
1) How do i make a donate verb?(i checked help but it was not clear to me)
2) If some one has a subscription how would i go about giving them more features.
Thanks for the help in advance.
Super saiyan3
![]() Jan 3 2002, 8:14 am
![]() Jan 3 2002, 8:16 am
Here is my Code.
mob verb Donate_Dimes(K as num) if(usr.client.PayDimes(K,"Darke Rage")) if(K == 1) world << "[usr] has donated [K] dime!" else world << "[usr] has donated [K] dimes!" |
You can actually save yourself a bit of work here by using the \s macro:
world << "[usr] has donated [K] dime\s!" Lummox JR |
Your code isn't very effiecent:
var/dimeinsult = pick("You broke @$$ moron!","If you don't give me those dimes your cat will die!","Dude, where's your dimes? Well I have them HA!","Fine see what I leave in your bed tonight...") [Edit] I had to add some fun insults to the mix. |
Here's the donate verb strait from Ensya:
______________________________________________________ mob/verb/donate() While you'll probably want to change some things (Obviously, I'd prefer you not), for the most part it should do what you want. This will: * Allow the usr to decide how many dimes to donate by inputting the number. * Allow users to leave comments when they donate. * All comments and donation records are deposited into the donations.txt file. |
Nadrew wrote:
if(!dimes) Actually it's spelled "eh". But, if you're going to end sentences in "eh?", you should do it with a full-blown Canadian accent. "Noo dimes, eh? What's that aboaut?" Few people realize that Canadians don't say "aboot"; they say "aboaut". It's like they're trying to say "a boat" and halfway through the vowel they change their minds, only by then of course it's too late and it comes out sounding silly, which is the essence of Canada. And yes, they really do say "eh?" in just about every sentence; when they don't say it, they still say each sentence as a question, just on principle. Apparently it's impossible for a Canadian to inflect the end of a sentence on anything but a rising note, so even ordinary statements come out with question marks on the end. "I was at the bus stop? The bus came aboaut ten minutes late? They're always late, eh?" Like all accents, Canadian accents vary somewhat in strength and differ slightly by region. However, they're all silly. Of course, the US has no dearth of silly accents either, but ours are silly in a sort of annoying way, whereas Canadian accents are more of a giggly silly that never gets old to laugh at. Speaking of dimes, I strongly recommend not using Canadian dimes (you're likely to pick them up eventually) in vending machines, unless you're mad at them or are making a threat. However, for threats against vending machines Canadian quarters are the best way to go. Feed one of those suckers a Canadian quarter and it'll fall right in line. Lummox JR vending machine warrior |
if(client.CheckPassport("0123456789abcdef")) client/var full_access they are the things i do not understand. |
Once you make a subscription thing for your game, and check "BYOND passport" you'll get a number that's what you use, CheckPassport("[that number]") as for the fullaccess var it's not needed you can add special verbs and things when you check the passport:
mob/Login() Hope this make it a bit clearer to you. |
Lummox JR wrote:
Few people realize that Canadians don't say "aboot"; they say "aboaut". I saw that in the South Park Movie. in know that this is off topic but what is the view of Americans and Canadians on the Way we speak in England? |
Super saiyan3 wrote:
in know that this is off topic but what is the view of Americans and Canadians on the Way we speak in England? I can't speak for Canadians, but I think Americans view British accents as either cultured, charming, or at least interesting, despite the lack of R's and most H's. Of course the exception to this is when you get into the really seriously thick accents, which I hear tend to be more northern, and these accents not only sound awful but are completely unintelligible. They are still, however, preferable to almost any southern US accent. What we find really weird is the difference in choices of words. Lummox JR |
@.@ Actually we dont! At least over here on the west coast. Maybe in Quebec or the Maritimes, but then noone can understand what thier saying half the time anyways. *L*
Ok, we went through a phase saying eh, but its pretty much dead here now @.@ Just like our dollar, but thats another story *LOL* As for about, I have -never- heard anyone from any nearby province use 'Aboot' or any other strange variation O.o; Its just 'about' O.o; Oh well *L* Of course, z is ZED *L* And -yes- there is a U in colour and armour >:P And its cheque damnit, not check XD *snicker* Elorien, the Canadian, at least for the present. |
Lummox JR wrote:
Nadrew wrote: In Canada, dimes are called "a quarter". |
Elorien wrote:
As for about, I have -never- heard anyone from any nearby province use 'Aboot' or any other strange variation O.o; Its just 'about' O.o; Oh well *L* That's actually not an uncommon response from Canadians. Apparently you guys just don't hear it. But I assure you, the accent is there. Even when it's not strong it's present, and it's insidious. You don't say "aboot" (well sometimes, but it's rare), but the vowel "ou" (as in "cow"), especially when followed by another sound, is mispronounced "oh-oo" (that is, if you were to slow it down, with "oh" blending into "oo") or "au-oo". That vowel should actually be pronounced as a blend of "ah-oo", since the ultra-hard O of "ah" is mostly bled off as it transitions into the rest. Lummox JR |