I only want mobs to be repopulated back on my map but objs are also put back, how do I stop this from happening? Here's what I have now;
for(var/mob/M in world)
What can I do to fix this? Thank you.
![]() Dec 12 2001, 1:46 pm
Try making a proc called Regen_mobs(). What you would have this proc do is check for all the mobs in the world. For each mob you'd have it delete itself and spawn a new one of it's type.
Then you call it when you want to regenerate mobs. |
Sorry I don't understand what you mean. I was just wondering how I could make the repop proc I showed before check to see if what it's repopulating is a monster, if so, then put it back, if not, then just dont do anything, Here's what I got;
world New(mob/M as mob) if(M.Type == "monster") spawn(M) while(1) sleep(10) Repop() return..() else ..() But with this I just end up with a HUGE runtime error. |
If you look at world.Repop(), it states that it repopulates everything, including objs. So, you're not going to want to use Repop() here.
What was the problem with the answer I gave you at [link] when you asked this before?
It doesnt work, I must be doing something wrong. I retyped it in and didn't get any errors or warnings, then when I ran it the monster was deleted and never came back. What do I have to do that Im missing? Thank you.
This probably won't work, but I'll give it a shot:
datum If this works, it should, when called: cycle through each mob in the game and, if the mob isn't assigned to a client, delete it, then re-spawn it. [EDIT] I just thought of something. The above code will only work if a mob is selected. This means that it will display a menu asking to choose a mob that exists in the world. try this: datum Now that I think about it, I'm not sure this will regenerate any mobs that have already been deleted, such as if they have been killed. |
That other example you posted came up w/ the same error. I don't know which line it is, because whenever I double click on it, it takes me to a different code folder and highlights something that's not even related to this.
datum spawn() isn't doing what you're thinking, here. Spawn() is like a sleep(). You're gonna wanna look at Shadowdarke's post, [link]. The code does work. |
I finally got around to testing that snippet. It works fine for me. Are you certain that RepopMob() is a global proc in your code? If you make it a mob proc, it won't work.
To make it a global proc, the proc declaration must be flush with the left margin, no indentation. |
you could do it the dumb way and just add each mob to a list when they die, then have a function called every once in awhile to go through the list (store the location data for the dead mobs too) and create new instances of them
I still can't get it, I have no idea what I'm doin wrong. I even opened a new environment just to see if something else within that my other codes was messin' it up. I made it a global var, or tried to make it a global var, and got this error;
Testing.dm:7:error: beginning_location: expected end of statement I'm sorry that I'm having so much trouble with this. [Edit] Okay, instead of making it global, I just left it as mob, and it worked fine in "Testing", but when I try to put it in the game I want it in, it doesnt repop anything at all. What could be causing this problem? Thank you. |
Philipe The Bard wrote:
I still can't get it, I have no idea what I'm doin wrong. I even opened a new environment just to see if something else within that my other codes was messin' it up. I made it a global var, or tried to make it a global var, and got this error; No, all of it should be under mob, except the RepopMob() proc, which must be global for the example code to work. If you use the same indentation I used in the example, it should work. (You'll probably need to retab it, since the forums turn tabs into spaces.) Okay, instead of making it global, I just left it as mob, and it worked fine in "Testing", but when I try to put it in the game I want it in, it doesnt repop anything at all. What could be causing this problem? Thank you. In order for that snippet to work, mobs must be created in a specific location when new() is called. This automatically happens for mobs placed on the map. If you are doing it from the code, it has to be created with a statement like: new/mob/mobtypepath(Location) How are you placing mobs in your game? |
try world.repop()