Please note: This is an informal/rough post. This does not represent the final draft of the idea or the game itself
Let’s have a chat: Open-World Warfare project
I have been gradually developing/drafting ideas for my open-world warfare project. I wanted to know what you would think about a “war game” that includes a persistent war and world. For example, players will choose a nation/faction and fight in different battles in order to acquire strategic valuables such as air support and weapon development structures. As well as fighting to push their frontline forward they will be able to advance through numerous ranks and represent their nation/faction.
To sum up this post:
• Persistent war between two nations controlled by the players (participators).
• Large map composed with strategic advantages.
• Open world/sandbox combat.
• Persistent/ever-changing world
• Comprehensive ranks
• Variety of armed divisions.
![]() Aug 27 2011, 12:05 pm (Edited on Aug 27 2011, 12:15 pm)
![]() Aug 27 2011, 6:54 pm
That sounds like a cool idea, if I understand what you are getting at. Would players choose their allegiances? Could players switch sides? Also, could one side ultimately win, and if so, what would happen then?
> Would players choose their allegiances? Could players switch sides?
Yes, players will definitely be allowed to choose and change their nation at will. For the reason that multiple problems can arise in one nation and individuals can become uncomfortable with their team. Or simply just a change of heart. > Also, could one side ultimately win, and if so, what would happen then? Although I can’t see an endgame, if a nation does happens to win then I guess the game will resurrect with fresh nations, weapons and so forth. |
In my opinion, if you have AI allies for each faction, you can try this. If one faction is getting close to dominating the other for whatever reason, make the AI's harder and harder until the attackers back off or if they manage to reach the capitol city and try to take it over, make the AI's basically instakill. This means that gameplay never ends, and power struggles stay virtually in the middle.