for(var/Channel_DM/c in channels)
var/Channel_DM/chat = input(src,"What channel?")in channels

Problem description:

If I run the program, it successfully outputs the names of all the Channel_DM datums in the channels list, however it never actually pops up with the input box for the Channel_DM I wish to select, but instead always selects the first item in the list.

Is this the normal behavior for Datums, and do I need to work around it, or am I doing something else wrong?
As datum has no standard concept of name, the input() wouldn't know what to display for it. The name variable you are using there is one you've added, I presume. atoms do have a name variable defined, however, and can be selected in an input().
In response to Stephen001
Many thanks, using what you told me, I simply changed my c_name variable into 'name', and the input() recognized it.