I turned twenty-one years of age August 16th. I joined on July 31st, 2004. I was 14.
Kuraudo wrote:
I turned 21 last month. I first joined BYOND in 2002, before my birthday. I was 12." I joined in 2001, 14, turning 24 in less than a month. The curse is real. |
Bandock wrote:
Originally joined to play "Dragonball Zeta", but eventually started DM a few weeks later. That's a detail I left out as well. Having been unsuccessful at finding online a "free game maker," my other online hobby led me to BYOND. I had been looking for online Dragonball RPGs I could play, and had mainly been coming across e-mail-based ones that I really couldn't participate in, as I had Internet access only one or two days a week, depending on how much of the weekend I spent at my dad's house. I finally found one page---someone's free angelfire.com or maxpages.com website---that listed this "Dragonball Zeta" as a "real-time" RPG, and following the link there led me to BYOND. I believe it was version 13 of Zeta when I found it. So I played Zeta for a couple of days, and when my weekend visit at my dad's was up, I copied all of the BYOND setup stuff as well as a saved copy of the DM Guide, hub://Dantom.YourFirstWorld and hub://Deadron.StepBYOND to a floppy disk, and spent my time during my offline-week learning the DM language. I would then spend my weeks programming and my weekends playing Zeta, Icon Chatters, and Icon Ultima. |
Nice. Yeah, I used to search for DBZ games and played some (though a couple were indeed Dragonball Zeta rips =/). That reminds me, I have a copy of V13/V14 (might be V14) for Dragonball Zeta.
Infact, I have three versions when they were still up. V14, V31 (V22 is missing, as I was not able to download it), and V45.5. Cool or interesting thing is that they are some of the few games to allow interesting purposes of a DMB String Extractor and a working Savefile Editor (due to the fact they saved verbs). |
I joined under a different key in either 2004 or 2005 when I was 15.(I'll be switching to a permanent key later this year or early next)
I'm 22 now, my favorite language would be DM with C++ and Python being next. I've worked with Game Maker and PyGame as well. |
Sorry to bump an old thread but w/e.
I just turned 17 in July. I first joined byond around '08, quit, and then made a new key last year. |
Joined BYOND in August of '05.