Well, i'm doing a Moves list. Every pokemon has own moves. But idk how to do the list like this:
Name Level Type Category Attack Acc PP
{Move Name} | {Move Level} | {Type} | {cat} | {attack} | {acc} | {PP} |
Which will show:
Name Level Type Category Attack Acc PP
Seismic Toss | 1 | Fight | Special | ?? | 100 | 20 |
Cosmic Power | 1 | Psychic | Normal | -- | -- | 20 |
![]() May 19 2010, 1:13 pm
If you are saying that you want 1 list per skill and that list should have the skill's name, type, level, etc. then that is probably not the best way to go. There are much easier ways.
Make an object for skills. combat_move Even if you do make an object for the moves, you don't necessarily need subtypes of that object for individual specific moves (like I just did for Seismic Toss); you could instead keep track of specific moves in a different way if you wanted to and have just a bunch of instances of combat_move each with the appropriate name and variables set. Either way you're up for a lot of typing unless you have some way to automatically import all the moves into your game. I tried making an accurate pokemon combat system once, and I was typing in stats for many hours. |
Edit: Well, thanks it worked.
[DM] mob/Pokedex Arceus Name="Arceus" NationalNo="493" RegionNo="---" Height="10.6" Weight="705" Type="Normal" Type2="---" Classification="Alpha Pokémon" Ability="Multitype: Changes type to match the held Plate" Description="According to the legend of Sinnoh, this Pokémon emerged from an egg and shaped all there is in this world." DamageTaken="Normal(x1);Fire(x1);Water(x1);Electric(x1);Gras s(x1);Ice(x1);Fight(x2);Poison(x1);Ground(x1);Flying(x1);Psy chic(x1);Bug(x1);Rock(x1);Ghost(x0);Dragon(x1);Dark(x1);Stee l(x1)" ptext = "offense=jwalk&time=10:00" plist[] = params2list(ptext) var/p mob/verb/ArceusMoves() for(p in plist) usr << "[p] = [plist[p]]" [/DM] Pokedex HGSS.dm:17:error: ptext: undefined var Pokedex HGSS.dm:18:error: plist: undefined var Pokedex HGSS.dm:18:error: ptext: undefined var Pokedex HGSS.dm:25:error: plist: undefined var Pokedex HGSS.dm:26:error: plist: undefined var DunDunDunnn, I'm getting undefined var o.o! |
=-= I believe you would enjoy this. :) http://www.byond.com/developer/articles/start
?name="Cow Tipping"&Level=7&category="Fun Things"
then params2list