Is DMCGI on Windows yet?

Some might want to know that a Jailbroken iPhone is able to install Lighttpd and i will be packaging up DMCGI for use with Lighttpd therefore you may "program on the go" write some nifty games.

If possible Tom (are you around?) the BYOND blue book if still available or maybe even the reference could be ported to the iPhone as an "App" if i had permission to do so.

Look out for some DMCGI games for the iPhone and a MUD :D or i could just make an App for that one :P.

Any suggestions?
id:731147 [link]

Doubt it's going to be worked on for windows.
A.T.H.K wrote:
If possible Tom (are you around?) the BYOND blue book if still available or maybe even the reference could be ported to the iPhone as an "App" if i had permission to do so.

You can download the DM Guide as a PDF. Surely the iPhone has a PDF reader?
In response to Airjoe
Airjoe wrote:
You can download the DM Guide as a PDF. Surely the iPhone has a PDF reader?

It does.
In response to Qubic
You just e-mail it to yourself then open it up in your mail on your ipod/iphone then you can access it any time you want. Oh and as for pixel art for the Ipod, you can look at my post here: forum?id=737906&view=1&display=1

The App TinyPixels, which is the best, actually updated so you can zoom in much more precisley. And as for anybody who has the Ipad, this is perfect. Otherwise I'd really only use it for 32 by 32 icons.
In response to Darkjohn66
Icon is not a verb. Ungh.
DMCGI isn't and probably never will be avaliable on Windows.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
DMCGI isn't and probably never will be avaliable on Windows.
At this point, shouldn't DMCGI be considered dead and should be deprecated? There are so many better ways to write games now-a-days (HTML5, CSS, Javascript, Python Frameworks, etc.) that I really wouldn't recommend DMCGI to anyone, there are already PHP bindings to the site now correct?
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
there are already PHP bindings to the site now correct?

Not that I'm aware of. If there was, I'd know about and be using them by now, I'm sure of it. <.<

The only thing DMCGI is useful for at this present day and age is authenticating keys through Login(). But even then, I've noticed it's a bit picky about that, and has on occasion returned 500 errors for absolutely no reason on my server.

In response to Tiberath
OpenID support for BYOND would be nice. It would let you tie an account on your site to an account on the BYOND site, basically like DMCGI lets you but in a standard way that you can find a ton of libraries for.