Take_Rank(var/M in SPlayers)
set name = "Take Rank"
set category = "Staff"
set desc = "Take the rank from a character"
Captain = 0
Lieutenant = 0
Member = 1
usr.overlays -= 'CaptainSuit.dmi'
usr.overlays -= 'CaptainSuit2.dmi'
usr.overlays -= 'CaptainSuit3.dmi'
usr.overlays -= 'CaptainSuit4.dmi'
SPlayers -= M
usr.rank = "Member "
world << output ("<font color=yellow>[] has been demoted!</font>", "OOC")
Problem description: That's only a small part of the code to save for time. My problem is that in my "Give Rank" verb, if they are a Shinigami, they get a CaptainS in the usr's loc. How do I delete the Captain suit from their inventory when I use this verb?