//run time error
BYOND: failed to find cache entry 4294967295 in (null).
proc name: load (/client/proc/load)
source file: I. Main.dm,42
usr: null
src: Nellek (/client)
call stack:
Nellek (/client): load()
Nellek (/client): New()
//the code
var/client_file = Import()
var/savefile/F = new(client_file)
F["color"] >> mob.color //read the player's mob
if(mob.color=="green") mob.color = "#[rand(10,99)][rand(10,99)][rand(10,99)]"
Problem description:
...the run time error obviously says something is wrong, but not what...
Pres CTRL + G and put in 42, and tell us what it is...