drop(var/obj/0 in usr.contents) //drops an item at your position
Msg23("You drop [0].","[usr] drops [0].")
0.loc = usr.loc
Problem description: final line gives error: expected expression
Partly I have no clue what this means; the other part is that I'm sure this should be working (it's in the correct mob -> verb section and all, and usr.loc is definitely a valid target, given as it's being referred to just fine in other places.
You'll probably recognise that from the ZBT 3; I'm still just learning this stuff, so I'm sure I've missed something obvious (will happily post full code if it helps). All the other verbs I'm using work fine, which is part of which I can't figure this out, and it's driving me up the wall. XD
Double click on this error and it will take you to the line of the error. Tell us what line this us please. :)