//DM syntax
//GM syntax
case value1;
break; //The break HAS to be there in GM syntax
First off, what is the point of the {} symbols? Can't the program parse/compile the programming based on lines and indentation like Dream Maker?
Secondly, those stupid semicolons on literally EVERY line is pretty annoying >_> Again kind of pointless. I see why they're used since I know what they do in DM syntax, but it's very pointless in GM syntax. Another parsing/compiling complaint >_>
Thirdly, you can't even pass TEXT ALONE to the "scripts" in GM as an argument. It HAS to be a DEFINED variable. No acceptions.
Fourthly (if that's even a word), there's the case of the use of brackets in GM compared to DM. In DM you can use brackets to reference a variable for anything it seems whereas in GM, you're very limited.
I do like Game Maker for features like easy PATH creation and the such, but I still prefer Dream Maker when it comes to simplicity in my opinion, even though Game Maker's supposedly more simple. I guess it's because I have more DM experience than GM experience :)
I'm not "flaming" Game Maker, just giving my opinion on the subject. Any other opinions would be nice.
Then you'll never survive in a large family of languages that are used in a business-programming environment.