Naruto - Wild Draw is a text-based naruto game

Now. I thought about it, and the idea of making a ''Wild Draw - Custom Edition'' game that allows hosts to make their own variants with ease appeases me.

Would you like such a game? Just want to know if you guys want it or not, which will either make or break the idea
I believe..this would go in the "Gaming" forums.
In response to Choka
It's a question for the community, not a question for gamers. Rly
In response to Mista-mage123
The communities is for gamers. Ontop of that, I am assuming by "Have you played" that you mean have you played the BYOND game.
In response to Choka
Choka wrote:
The communities is for gamers. Ontop of that, I am assuming by "Have you played" that you mean have you played the BYOND game.

Usually, though, the gamings forum is for questions revolving the actual games. (ex. Have you gotten Gears of War 2 yet?). This is a simple question for the community, asking if they would like a custom toolkit of sorts.

Oh well.
In response to Mista-mage123
Yeah...To me I'm just thinking, either "Design Philosophy", or "Gaming"
This would've been a better question for the BYOND Anime forums.

Lummox JR