ok well im trying to get a monster to change its looking direction to face the attacker.
so i have a theory to somehow set the M.dir to the opposite of the attackers. so if its West set to East so they will be facing each other. I cant seem to make a formula to get this done other than a bunch of If/then commands.
please help.
![]() Oct 7 2008, 11:12 am
Then create your own get dir proc. If the absolute value of the X distance is greater than the absolute value of the Y distance, then the direction should be north or south. Then its a matter of checking true/false. In my game, I created my own proc to do this, though I'm not especially proud of it >_>
Use a list.
var/list/RevDir = list(2,1,,8,10,9,,4,6,5)
Then set the monster's direction to RevDir[attcker's direction]. If your monster is M and your attacker is A, then you'd use: M.dir = RevDir[A.dir] For just N,S,E and W, use this list instead:
var/list/RevCardDir = list(2,1,,8,,,,4,,)
atom/proc/FaceObject(atom/a) |
Well, in that case:
<dm> |
EDIT: If you were to use a formula, you would need to use bits. I'm pretty sure dir = ~enemy.dir would work for that (wait no, nevermind; that would only partially work by giving you a lump of every dir that they aren't facing! EX: Northeast to southwest, north to east|south|west).