OK I have tried it my self but if you go east or jump east it will face you south after you stop it faces south and I don't want that. With the delay I created it but it disable jumps so need something to not do that. Please don't send me a link just the codes and what you done to stop that from happening.

All credit for the codes will go to you.
Mr. Chex wrote:
OK I have tried it my self but if you go east or jump east it will face you south after you stop it faces south and I don't want that. With the delay I created it but it disable jumps so need something to not do that. Please don't send me a link just the codes and what you done to stop that from happening.

All credit for the codes will go to you.

What in the world are you talking about? We're not mind readers.
If I have properly deciphered your predicament, all you need to do is change their direction to east every time you move them south because of gravity. Or, you can call Move() directly with a loc and the direction EAST. I'm pretty sure the latter would be considered unrobust, though.
In response to Kuraudo
I need gravity that will keep you face ing the direction your going during jumps landing and staying still.

And i need delay that lets you jump ( dont use demos or libaries )
In response to Jeff8500
i same problem during west movements 2 btw
In response to Mr. Chex
omg jeff8500 is stalking me lol
In response to Mr. Chex
Then do what I said for west, as well?
In response to Jeff8500
is this with the icon or or with codes i cant tell im still tired from school @.@
In response to Jeff8500
just go like this
what ever you put her
codes for what goes here
that help
In response to Mr. Chex
If you're going to act like that, then get off the forums. This isn't a developers get code forum, it's a developer how to. I told you how, you just don't know!