Jun 23 2008, 9:58 am (Edited on Jun 23 2008, 1:05 pm)
In response to Andre-g1
Yeah I know, I'm just used to using == 1 and == 0, anyways my problem still isn't fixed..thanks anyways.
In response to Element Hero creator
What are you calling the Gravity proc from initially?
In response to Naokohiro
I'm calling the gravity proc from movement,btw the spike trap is working perfectly and I tried the same for the black turf and nothing happens.
In response to Element Hero creator
o.O I just noticed that on the map turf was right on top of the black turf, I just put the black turf over it and it's working perfectly. Thanks to everyone that helped out :D.
If you defined something on that loc, why are you defining the loc again ?
Just use:
Or.. (not sure if this works for turfs)
Also you should learn about boolean variables. They help a lot.
For example, to check if a value is true do: