How can I use a proc to change an objects color? I couldn't find any libraries or demo's to help me out...
In response to Garthor
Thanks for that. Once again Garthor has proven that he is one of the ones will help with the DM Language!
In response to Demon_F0rce
Note that actually using the operators is the 'old way', and is being phased out (probably in a few decades or so). You should use the /icon object and it's procs, such as Blend(), instead.
In response to Demon_F0rce
If you looked in the reference before asking you wouldn't have needed to post this so in future check the dm guide and reference before posting for help.
In response to Lyndonarmitage1
Yeah... I used the DM Guide when I first started, realised it wasn't helping me so I left it. Because of that I never thought of using DM reference.
In response to Kaioken
Old way or not, the way I've discovered in use is easy, simple, and exactly what I needed.