If someone releases their source under a license it's not up to BYOND to enforce it, it's up to the person that holds the license. That's like saying the creators of C++ have to enforce license issues with people using C++. The only thing we have to do is make sure the hub isn't abused, beyond that it's not up to us.
Why not an open source engine instead of a game. Screw the art itself, just focus on components. Then have someone review the components and make recommendations or outright refuse something if it doesn't help the overall project. Program the core yourself, then have people build libraries like modules. Don't focus on building a game, focus on developing something that expediates the process and/or enhances the quality of a basic type of a game.
I think open source projects are a great idea. If your not competitive and you dont mind seeing games rape your code though. I think byond would gain a lot if there were entire project codes downloadable for people to learn from.
I can certainly follow that logic. However, the creators of C++ do not provide this level of service for the publishing, distribution and discovery of C++ projects either.
As you noted, all you have to do is make sure the hub isn't abused. My question is, would you consider the breaching of legally ratified licences an abuse of the hub? Perhaps using a GPL example, an entry borrowed elements from a GPL licenced project, however did not provide a suitable means of acquiring the source code for their project (as full GPL extends to derivative works), and/or credit the project they borrowed licenced elements from. That; as far as I understand it, would be in breach of the original project's GPL licence. Naturally, I would say it was the responsibility of the person holding the licence to bring the matter to your attention, and provide suitable evidence. However, my concern is that you may choose to dodge your moral responsibilities as a publisher and distributor (Which noted, it's probably legal for you to do so in this case). |
It's not like any BYONDer that counts won't know where the code came from. Does it really matter if some idiot steals your code?
Contrary to people's beliefs, an open-source game would not attract hordes of people looking to benefit from it by claiming it as their own.
It's the anime games that get ripped, simply because of the popularity of the anime and the hordes of people who aren't competent enough to create such a game in the first place. Both "Dragonball Zeta" and "Naruto: Way Of The Shinobi" weren't programmed that efficiently. Others thought that a) they could do better or b) they could get administrative powers for once but they always had c) they (and everybody else) knew about DBZ and it's storyline. So by the time the source-code for DBZ was released, the horde came to (ab)use it. Same for Naruto. It's the new DBZ. In the future, another series will become popular, and then it will spawn off a whole new series of rips. Already we're having Bleach rips, after awhile Naruto will fade with DBZ to the side and another anime becomes big. The conclusion is that the rips on BYOND are proportional to the popular Japanese animes out there. I have a possible solution for this problem as well: let's bomb Japan. -- Data |
Nadrew wrote:
If someone releases their source under a license it's not up to BYOND to enforce it, it's up to the person that holds the license. That's like saying the creators of C++ have to enforce license issues with people using C++. The only thing we have to do is make sure the hub isn't abused, beyond that it's not up to us. I totally disagree that's like saying, if someone stole your money the police can't do anything about it, I just belive that if BYOND has more staff to maintain it we wouldn't have problems like rips and trolls. Also Data has a solution but I have a better one Lets wipe out the memory of all anime lovers and then bomb japan ^^ - Miran94 |
Android Data wrote:
Contrary to people's beliefs, an open-source game would not attract hordes of people looking to benefit from it by claiming it as their own. Add On Info: And d)They feel the game was too difficult, and want to make it easier. Anyhow there's already a third game being ripped. It's Bleach. So far there's been a rip of Bleach Los Noches Icons, BSOC source (even though that was a WOTS core, it's a rip non-the-less), Bleach Unlimited. The only non-ripped Bleach Games are those not even out yet. |
They hate level grinding so they make their own game where you don't need to train. Or something like that.
Android Data wrote:
Contrary to people's beliefs, an open-source game would not attract hordes of people looking to benefit from it by claiming it as their own. It's the anime games that get ripped, simply because of the popularity of the anime and the hordes of people who aren't competent enough to create such a game in the first place. Both "Dragonball Zeta" and "Naruto: Way Of The Shinobi" weren't programmed that efficiently. Others thought that a) they could do better or b) they could get administrative powers for once but they always had c) they (and everybody else) knew about DBZ and it's storyline. So by the time the source-code for DBZ was released, the horde came to (ab)use it. Same for Naruto. It's the new DBZ. In the future, another series will become popular, and then it will spawn off a whole new series of rips. Already we're having Bleach rips, after awhile Naruto will fade with DBZ to the side and another anime becomes big. The conclusion is that the rips on BYOND are proportional to the popular Japanese animes out there. I have a possible solution for this problem as well: let's bomb Japan. I completely agree with you. I guarantee you if this game was open source, it would not be ripped at all. As a matter of fact, I would love to see how you programmed it. Also: You want to bomb Japan again? =/ They come out with too many cool things. Okay, here's the deal: Let's bomb them after they perfect and release that thingy they are making that allows the video on a television to come out towards you, and you can feel, and smell the video. Okay? Then you can do whatever you want to Japan, but until them...act like we like them! |
Funny conclusion, but America's got treaties and good relations with Japan. They aren't about to bomb them anytime soon, and who else has the balls to do it? I suggest a more viable solution.
Don't let people with unauthorized use of another person's code and resources place their game on the hub. All it takes is some dedicated reporters and the encouragement to have everything like this in a paperwork agreement between the owner and the user. :P |
I'd have to disagree; I've seen plenty of instances where the "owner" would just change the icons and move names for it to become a new game. Ie. Changing the icons for a DBZ game to become Naruto. You'd say this would only happen to anime games, but I'm still in doubt. Has anyone ripped Final Fantasy Legacy into some anime game yet?
dont be silly latoma, BLN has not been ripped in any way that is their fault. With RSC extractors expect any game that comes out to have its graphics stolen, thats life on byond now. Graphics can not be prevented from being ripped, but BLN has so far not been ripped in any way that is their fault in the least.
There are ways to avoid this.
Most rippers don't have much programming experience. If you utilize a graphical system that takes a bit of logic to utilize, like Isometric or Hexagonal, most graphics stolen from the game will be useless to the rippers. |
Thats true, except that it takes an immensly talented graphic artist to make either of those perspectives LOOK good. Which is an issue for me lol.
What about them Charmed rips? I think it's from it being a magic game ... despite it never being an anime *shudders at the thought of a Charmed-anime*
Edit: the word "It's" used was meant to refer to the common rip of it. |
Well being that most Rips are violating many licenses, both content and source. All rips and fan games should be removed anyway by your logic.
I'd be happy to dig up my old OpenRPG code and throw it on an SVN server(or something like that). I figure an RPG is probably the easiest to make open sourced, because of the ever expanding and dynamic nature of RPGs. There are a lot of MUDs out there that are open sourced, or at least highly configurable, and they are similar beasts by nature.