Granted, but Ganite, being incapable of complying with this wish, had his wishes stripped from him.
I wish BYOND many updates, with features long requested.
Granted. BYOND is given to Baird by Tom and Baird and his team updates BYOND to max capacity!
Error 404: Wish not found.
I wish I knew how to say goodbye to what we had, even though the good times that made us laugh outweigh the bad. |
Granted. You learn to say goodbye to what we had, but you promptly forget all of it, leaving no memories of good times to outweigh the bad.
I wish my apartment had air conditioning. |
Yut Put wrote:
i wish for fugsnarf to carry me into the sunset Granted, but you're now a paraplegic and somehow acquired Asperger syndrome. I wish each individual's journey led to their own epic story within their life. |
Granted. Everybody goes on long heroic adventures trying to found their own nations, but since everybody is doing that same thing, nothing comes of it and society falls apart completely.
I wish I could magically cook delicious and nutritious food instantly. |
Granted. But you can only make delicious and nutritious ramen.
(Still cant make wishes D:) |
I wish Ganite were able to wish for one more wish, with the exemption of gaining more wishes.
The paradoxes are real. |
Granted. But Ganite can only wish in Morse Code.
I wish radio frequencies could be received by my brain. |
Wish granted. All the never ending mangled voices & songs drove you insane, committing suicide a very short time later.
I wish there was no more hungry people in the world. |
Granted. Everyone goes from hungry to morbidly obese. Eventually everyone gets diabetes and dies. Thanks GA, you've successfully rid the planet of the cancer known as mankind.
WARNING SPOILERS I wish Saske didn't rejoin Narto and Sakra. |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Granted. Everyone goes from hungry to morbidly obese. Eventually everyone gets diabetes and dies. Thanks GA, you've successfully rid the planet of the cancer known as mankind. Granted, one anime protagonist didn't rejoin with two other anime protagonists- however, the government have decided that japanese cartoons and "kawaii" culture are bad for the human brain, and as a consequence; have banned them. (Yipee!) I wish I knew how to make a beef vindaloo from scratch, i.e no curry powder. |
Granted but that's all you can ever eat to the point where it makes you throw up everytime.
I wish empirezteam didn't spoil naruto for me. |
Granted. You already knew everything that will ever happen in Naruto, but you will never know the experience of watching through it for the first time because your wish spoiled the entire series.
I wish I was the world's fastest reader. |
Granted. you are know the fastest reader but you read so fast that you don't remember what you read.
.. / .-- .. ... .... / ... .... .- -- .- -. / -.- .. -. --. / .-- .- ... / -.-. --- -. - .. -. ..- . -.. |
I wish for money lots and lots of money.