I have decided to under take working on a Idle RPG for BYOND. While trolling around some of the chats on BYOND, I noticed a lot of people who will go idle for long periods of time at any given time without logging out.
I decided, well, if they are going to idle, they mise well have something to show for it, so I began work on #Idle RPG for BYOND. Some of the concepts from the orginal IRC Idle RPG remains intact, some don't.
Players log in, they create a save file. Player name is based off your key, as well as your gender. The only way to get a different name or gender is to have a different key. You cannot restart a player in #Idle RPG.
In order to gain levels, you simply idle in the game. When you perform an action such as chatting, your wait time to next level will increase.
You start off as a level 1 Human Adventurer with nothing to your name and you will start off in the channel "The Tavern". Unlike other Idle RPG games, #Idle RPG has different channels in the game, each representing different parts of the "world" in #Idle Rpg. In order to explore different parts of the world, you need to either be a certian level or fill in some sort of requirement.
While in The Tavern, players are free to talk and chat with one another without having to worry about increasing their level wait time, on the other hand, while in The Tavern, you will idle at all. Thus, you can talk without any negative bonuses, but you won't gain any positve ones either.
Players are free to rename their race and class to whatever it is they would like to be. Keep in mind there is a 20 character limit to both races and classes, and a negative bonus to your wait time. Each time you change your race or name, your wait time will get increase by your own level times the number of characters in the race and class name. So if you are level 10 and change your race to a 20 characters race name, you will get a negative wait time bonus of 200.
Now with different areas comes different monsters, treasures and events. While idling in a normal area, you will have the occasional chance of running into a encounter with a monster, finding treasure or other special events.
Combat works in a very simple way. You take your level, add in any bonuses you get from equipment, add them together. You do the same for any monsters. Then both of these numbers are rolled as a dice roll, roll(1d[total]). The person with the higest dice roll wins. If you win, you will get a positive wait time bonus based on the monsters level X 10. If you loose, you will get a negative wait time bonus based on the monsters level X 10.
What I have just explained to you is already in the works, what I have said is already done. These are ideas for the future:
1.) A Shop Channel, where players can buy new equipment. This will be a safe room, like The Tavern.
2.) A Auction Channel, where players can put up gear they no longer use on auction for other players. Yet another safe rom.
3.) A Arena Channel, where players who idle in this room, will fight other players (randomly). People who win will get a 12% chance of taking some of the loosers equipment (random).
I'd like ideas, criticisms and input. I know an idea like #Idle RPG isn't the most exciting, but I am trying to make it more interactive so that it has it's own strategies and elements and can actually be considered a game. Thanks for taking the time to read this long post.
![]() Aug 12 2007, 1:57 pm
A game where you win by doing nothing? Whats to prevent someone like me from having it open in a seperate window 24/7 while actually doing stuff on other games?
Jamesburrow wrote:
A game where you win by doing nothing? Whats to prevent someone like me from having it open in a seperate window 24/7 while actually doing stuff on other games? I dont know about you but i wouldent want a window on my desktop just sitting there it would get very annoying |
DarkAlex wrote:
Jamesburrow wrote: Auto-hide on the taskbar. I can't live without it. |
Yuo fail to see the point in it, and yet, there are some very very popular Idle RPGs for IRC where litteraly hundreds of people will sit there and idle.
Im the ultimate procrastinator (ask anyone who is a tester on Sabachthani.. I promise an update and it takes me as long as I can possibly stretch it out before I release the update =/)
I don't think i get this concept...a place for people to be rewarded for being AFK 0.o
I like it =p but thats just me. -_- chatting and moving shouldnt count much then otherwise its just sit still and watch paint dry game.
OMG OMG I MADE ONE OF THOSE its called hit the off button on ur comp and save energy -.- i mean come on be rewarded to wast electricity, im not tree hugger but come on thats just a waste :/
That would be great, if I wasn't already developing Slacker RPG 3.0, a game that was made two years ago by me.
Hey Spike, get off it, as I recall there was actually a Idle RPG on BYOND before Slacker RPG ever even came into effect. Not to mention that Idle RPG in general has been around longer then your game ever has.
Also, none of this is helping me at all. So unless you have something helpful to say, don't say it. |
Just a bit of FYI.