Okay so I made the alpha stage of my first game..... and I have it published at xiarzeruin.Myskia, but I'm not sure how to actually let people play it.... so how do I do that?

I now have the "Join" button on the page. The only problem now is, whenever I or one of my friends tries to join, it gives us the error, "Connection Failed."

I have it currently hosting through Dream Daemon... it's picked Port 2649.... What's the problem now?
First you have to make sure your game recognizes the hub entry.

hub = "xiarzeruin.Myskia"

That should do it if you don't have a password. If you do, put it in as well.

Then all you need to do is open up your game and press the host button. Choose a port (more or less any reasonable number you can think of), make it visible and choose safe mode. Then if you go to your hub entry, it should show your game as live.
In response to Xiar Zeruin
The reason is that the person who's hosting it can't be accessed. This could be because your firewall is stopping people from entering games you host. Try turning off your firewall and Windows XP's firewall if you use it (or better yet, create firewall rules for Dream Seeker). If that didn't work, if you have a router, it's likely to have its own firewall too. You'll need to turn that off as well.
In response to Abhishake
Exactly. I did that. See my new problem?
In response to Abhishake
Ah, thanks! I'll try that quickly.
In response to Xiar Zeruin
Still not working! I disabled all those firewalls like you said, all it accomplished was getting rid of the "Join Now!" button.
In response to Xiar Zeruin
Are you sure you're hosting it still? If the game isn't appearing live, then it's a different problem.
In response to Abhishake
Yeah. I opened the host again cause it shut off when I reconnected the modem to the computer directly--I can't access the administrative rights to disable the router's firewall. Could that be it?

It also changed to port 2833 now.
In response to Xiar Zeruin
Yes, that's most likely it. Another thing you could try is to confirm your friend can join other games so it's not a fault on their end.
In response to Abhishake
No see I can't even join it myself from here... but good point, I'll try to join another game really fast.
In response to Xiar Zeruin
Yeah I can join another game myself.... And he says he can as well. Should I make sure of which port Dream Daemon is hosting on and set the firewalls to ON but allow those ports instead?
In response to Xiar Zeruin
Yeah, that should work, in theory, as well. As long as your firewall accepts Dream Daemon hosting.
In response to Abhishake
Nope...... ugh. Do you want an entire copy of my code, perhaps?

The game is completely still in open alpha testing--No icons at all, just verbs and a login var.
In response to Xiar Zeruin
If you can enter your game through Dream Seeker on single player, you should be able to while it's being hosted as well. I don't know anything other than firewalls that stop people from entering games.
In response to Abhishake
Hmm...... In any case, here's my code if it might make any difference whatsoever:

//This is the Myskia messaging board, created by Jacob T. Downs, under the alias Xiar Zeruin, on the second day of August in the year two thousand and seven.

//This messaging board is, first and foremost, an RPG created for the vampiric bloodline known as Myskia.

//Take the short venture to to find out the full story of Myskia!

hub = "XiarZeruin.Myskia"


Login()"/" //make sure we are at the root
if(ckey in SaveFile.dir)
Read (SaveFile)
usr << "Welcome back to Myskia, [name]!"
oview() << "[name] has entered Myskia!"

usr << "Welcome to Myskia, [name]!"
oview() << "[name] has entered Myskia for the first time!"

Say(msg as text)
oview() << "[usr] says [msg]" //the world sees chatroom-like output
usr << "You say [msg]"

Custom_Emote(msg as text)
world << "[usr] [msg]"

Greet(msg as text)
oview() << "[usr] greets everyone with a hearty hello!"
usr << "You greet everyone with a hearty hello!"

Laugh(msg as text)
oview() << "[usr] laughs gleefully."
usr << " You laugh gleefully."

Challenge(msg as text)
oview() << "[usr] wishes to challenge somebody to [msg]! Oooh, scary!"
usr << " You wish to challenge somebody to [msg]! Oooh, scary!"

Cackle(msg as text)
oview() << "[usr] cackles maniacally at [msg]"
usr << "You cackle maniacally at [msg]"

Mock(msg as text)
oview() << "[usr] dances around [msg], clucking like a chicken and mocking [msg] intentionally!"
usr << " You dance around [msg], clucking like a chicken and mocking [msg] intentionally!"

Kick(msg as text)
oview() << "[usr] kicks [msg] in the shin! Ouch!"
usr << "You kick [msg] in the shin! You bastard!"

Slap(msg as text)
oview() << "[usr] slaps [msg] across the face! Ouch!"
usr << "You slap [msg] across the face! You bastard!"

Wrath(msg as text)
oview() << "[usr] threatens [msg] with the wrath of doom."
usr << "You must think you're tough [playdough], threatening people with the wrath of doom, eh?"

Insult(msg as text)
oview() << "[usr] calls [msg] the worst insult [msg] can think of, which probably involves a large trout in some way."
usr << "You call [msg] some lame insult which probably involves being a large trout in some way. You loser!"

Pervert(msg as text)
oview() << "[usr] accuses [msg] of being the biggest pervert on the face of the Earth!"
usr << "Hey, you have no room to be talking, calling people perverts. I've seen the magazines under your bed! You sicko, why do you have the dog catalog anyways?"

Insanity(msg as text)
oview() << "[usr] has finally realized that the chat system is rigged and has given up, opting for a quick suicide instead. Everyone wave goodbye to [usr]'s sorry ass!"
usr << "You have declared a state of insanity to the rest of the chat room. Expect plenty of 'wave' emotes coming your way soon."

Wave(msg as text)
oview() << "[usr] waves goodbye to [msg]! Goodbye!"
usr << "You wave to [msg]! Goodbye!"

In response to Xiar Zeruin
Although I don't think this will make any real difference to your current problem, do this:


..()"/" //make sure we are at the root
if(ckey in SaveFile.dir)
Read (SaveFile)
src << "Welcome back to Myskia, [name]!"
oview(5,src) << "[name] has entered Myskia!"

src << "Welcome to Myskia, [name]!"
oview(5, src) << "[name] has entered Myskia for the first time!"

(All I've changed is some usr abuse - you shouldn't use usr in mob/Login(). Search the forums to know why. And I've added ..() which means "do everything this proc would have done if I hadn't overidden it".)

Other than that I can't think of anything. Maybe someone else will notice this thread.
In response to Abhishake
Okay, if it doesn't work then still thanks for all the help. If it does, then thank you so very much for the help! I'll go test it and respond soon.
In response to Xiar Zeruin
Doh! >.< Still not working. In any case, thanks for the help so far Abhishake. I'll try to get someone else to help as well.
In response to Xiar Zeruin
i got the exact same problem with my game X_x ...

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