make it so when you walk onto one brick it will transfer you to like 9,1,2(x,y,z)? okay say i step on imageary block "finish", and it would send me to imagenary black "Start 2" at the cordinates 9,1,2? or have it send you to a map file name ezam2? at cordinates 10,1,1?
Jun 21 2007, 5:16 pm (Edited on Jun 22 2007, 1:25 pm)
In response to Garthor
okay I get what you mean
turf/Finish var/destination Entered(atom/movable/A) if(destination) //if we have a destination set var/turf/T = locate(destination) if(T) //and we can find that destination A.loc = T //set loc to the located destination turf //(direct alteration of loc used to bypass any possibility of movement failure but at the wrds destination, do I replace all the destinations with the tile I want it to go to? |
In response to Black Wolf Production
No, you do what I wrote.
In response to Black Wolf Production
Black Wolf Production wrote:
but at the wrds destination, do I replace all the destinations with the tile I want it to go to? destination is just a variable name. The snippet provided doesn't need to be altered at all, you just have to place and edit the new turf type as Garthor said. |
In response to Garthor
Oh okayu I get it now it works great thanks!
also I got another question How do yuou make it where if there is a solid object such as a wall youi cant see past it? |
In response to Black Wolf Production
In response to Garthor
Place an instance of turf/teleporter on the map. Edit (by right-clicking on it and selecting edit) its destination to some unique text string. Go to the turf you want the destination to be, right-click it and edit its tag to be the same as the teleporter's destination.