proc/death_check(mob/M as mob)
if(Safe == 1)
M<<"You can not kill this npc"
if(src.Health <= 0)
M <<"You killed [src]!"
M.Exp += rand(src.NPCExp,src.NPCMaxExp)
src <<"[M] killed you!"
src.loc = locate(src.locX,src.locY,src.locZ)
src.Health = src.Maxhealth
src.Status = "None"
src.Mana = src.MaxMana
src.Stamina = src.MaxStamina
src.Safe = 1
sleep 100
src.Safe = 0
src <<"You have been killed by now that [M]!"
Problem description:
When you die some how you get a black screen. It happens when you get killed my npcs or real players any ideas would help.
The problem is most likely with wherever you set those variables. If it is sending you to an invalid location, then your screen will be black.
Add this verb to your game and run it right before you die. What does it output?
If it does not give valid coordinates, then we've definitely isolated the problem.