Yesterday or the day before I was thinking of fun games or something, when I came upon a thought of an extremley fun Dragonball Z game. It was unique for it's time, which was when Zeta rips were spreading like a plague, and that game just stood out like black in a rainbow.
This post does have a point, if you're wondering. I was just wondering if anyone remembers this game? I don't know if it was DBZ RPG or just DBZRPG, but whatever it was, it was friggen mac.
![]() Dec 18 2006, 5:13 pm
Sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound ground breaking. I didn't mean that, and it was still around with a few players when Zeta was in. But if you get a click or something in your head when you think of DBZRPG, then i'm sure you know what i'm saying... Hopefully 8D
It was DBZRPG 2000, and no, it was not original. It was a rip of Dracon's game, DragonBall GT: Genesis. It had nothing. All it had was a few islands, and Saibamen. Of course, that was all DragonBall games had at that time. Well, except for DragonBall Epic Online and DBZ Spar.
Cavern, thats not the game he's talking about. He's talking about DBZRPG, if I do recall it was a non rip gmae with original? graphics. If were thinking of the same game it was fun for a day or two, training was too easy you level'd once every few hits of the pbags. Are we thinking of the same game?
I could have sworn it died off well before Zeta (or any of the popular rips). Although the game I'm thinking of wasn't exactly ground breaking, so maybe we're thinking of two different games with the same name.