I need it to that somone is invisible when they are transported to a certain place and then when the click the button to go back the same icon that they had comes visible again.

Here is the code for the go back and the code for the click to be transported.

//This is the code for the first transpertation.
icon = 'Objects.dmi'
icon_state = "T.V"
density = 1
set src in view(1)
if(alert(usr,"Would you like to see what is on the T.V?","T.V","Yes","No")=="Yes")
usr.loc = locate(7,7,9)

//This is the code to come back to the exact location to where the player was.

icon = 'Turn Off.png'
density = 1

//I am also not sure how I would make it so that the player goes back to the same exact location facing the same direction as before they were transporated.
Why teleport the person when you can simply move their eye (camera)?
client.eye=locate(32,23,1) to transport
client.eye=src to set it back

But if you want to make them invisible, look up the variable invisibility.

- GhostAnime
In response to GhostAnime
OK i read what you told me to read and made the invisibilty code but now How do i make it so that the usrs icon that they were using comes back?
In response to Dbgtsuperfreak
nvm i think i got it.
In response to Dbgtsuperfreak
Dbgtsuperfreak wrote:
OK i read what you told me to read and made the invisibilty code but now How do i make it so that the usrs icon that they were using comes back?

You are using the wrong key, lol.
In response to Xx Dark Wizard xX
LOl i know it was on my bors key before i relized it was on when i posted lol