Maybe there should be some command-line ... command, that let's you dynamically create macros. Not sure how it would work, maybe like

.macro [dream seeker waits for a key to be pressed and then inserts the correct-ness] say "blah"

Any comments, suggestions, ideas, just thoughts?

- Doh

Crashed already has something like this. Clicky. You don't need a hard-coded command to do this.
John Doh wrote:
Maybe there should be some command-line ... command, that let's you dynamically create macros. Not sure how it would work, maybe like

.macro [dream seeker waits for a key to be pressed and then inserts the correct-ness] say "blah"

Any comments, suggestions, ideas, just thoughts?

- Doh

Good idea, Read the above post tho ^^
In response to Popisfizzy
I think he meant for the macro tab located in Preferences/Options. =P
In response to Popisfizzy
I think what Doh is trying to say is instead of the user setting his or her macros by opening up Options -> Preferences, there should be a command that you can type in (like .configure delay x to set the network delay) to quickly add macros. The Half-Life engine's console has something like this (which is called 'bind', and works by typing 'bind [key] [command]')
In response to Unknown Person
Exactly on the spot!

Exactly on the idea source, too!

I play Tremulous, a Half-Life engine, and when I set some binds the other day, I was like hey, maybe we should have that in BYOND, instead of having to go through that silly menu!
