Hacking isn't about breaking into computers, it is making computers do things that they could not before. What you are thinking of, is cracking. It is actually a good idea to know the basics of cracking for the reason of better securing your own network from real crackers.
I know most of the tricks that viruses and malware use to get into a computer and do their damage. I have a feeling that it wouldn't take much for me to do the same, even in a language as simple as python or AutoIt.
Interesting side note, when I type python I normally hit the g button afterwards, making it pythong... Might want to stay clear of women wearing one of those.
In response to ADT_CLONE
In response to Danial.Beta
Danial.Beta wrote:
Interesting side note, when I type python I normally hit the t button afterwards, making it pythong... Might want to stay clear of women wearing one of those. And, perhaps, men in them too! Securing something like MSN Messenger against something like this is down to MSN really - if you try to open anything potentially threatening it should stop and warn you by default, and I don't just mean "DOWNLOADING A FILE IS POTENTIALLY DAMAGING TO YOUR PC!!1111!", I mean, "This is a [file type] file which does: [description if available]. Do you still want to open it?". |
In response to Hazman
True, the general warnings they have are horrible, that goes for all of the XP warnings. I generally avoid MSN Messenger all together. I use Google Talk almost exclusively. I have found that most people pick up on it in minutes and have no problems using all of it's features. Now I am not sure what types of warnings it gives when file transferring, but I have never had a problem with spam or viruses(Although it running on Jabber means that it can be just as much of a problem, being that anyone can run a Jabber server and communicate with Google Talk users).
I think that people in general should be educated, because all the warnings in the world are not going to stop people from mindlessly downloading file. In this case, however, I believe they are exploiting a bug in IE that allows for remote execution of code. With the way the web works, I expect to be able to go to any website with a half competent browser and not have my machine ruined unless I agree to it. As for that name.name.name.com link, it sounds like they have simply got into the DNS settings for wherever name.name.com is pointing and then added their subdomain to that subdomain. This is likely to be the fault of a compromised name.name.com DNS and not name.com, I would guess that the name.com gave name.name.com the subdomain under fair and legal practices, then name.name.name.com came along and edited name.name.com's DNS settings. What is important is figuring out who is hosting name.name.name.com and contacting those people. If that should fail, contact name.name.com and tell them that their DNS has been compromised and needs to be fixed immediately. Oh the tangled web the Internet weaves. |
In response to Danial.Beta
though i havent seen this specific virus i have seen several viruses that work similarly to this, sending a message with a link to a picture on a messagner, and every one ive seen is not only a link to a non picture extention file but if you do click the link it asks you if you want to open/save the file... so, all im sayin, is that if youre stupid enough to get one of these viruses then u deserve it
In response to Falacy
Again, you shouldn't have posted. What gives you the right to call anyone "stupid?" Of course, you'll say freedom of speech. But what makes you so smart that you have the ranking intellectually to call someone stupid? You're calling him stupid indirectly.
Just for the record, not all of these MSN virii ask you to open or save anything. I beleive your main browser has a lot to do with this. [Edit] I'm sorry man, I simply despise people calling others stupid. I can understand if it's your friend and your just messing around or whatever you prefer to think of it as, but I don't think this was the case here. |
In response to CaptFalcon33035
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
Just for the record, not all of these MSN virii ask you to open or save anything. I beleive your main browser has a lot to do with this. Haha, virii. You shouldn't have posted. =P |
In response to Danial.Beta
Danial.Beta wrote:
Interesting side note, when I type python I normally hit the t button afterwards, making it pythong... Might want to stay clear of women wearing one of those. You mean the G key, right? |
In response to Dead_Demon
Yeah... G...T...they are close on the keyboard... I'll edit that to the correct letter.
In response to Elation
Well, that did make me laugh. But why isn't it virii?
In response to CaptFalcon33035
thought it was viruses o.O
In response to Falacy
Falacy wrote:
thought it was viruses o.O You're both wrong; it's sheeps. |
In response to Falacy
You are right, Virii is not a correct term. "Viruses" is the correct form for more than one virus. I am sure the Wikipedia has some information on this... here it is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virii
In response to Falacy
Oh, ok, so I'm the stupid person here? The only clue this was a virus was the fact it only had open available. And it was way too late. Though if someone said they had found a picture of you on the net, you would probably be worried as well and eager to see it. So think twice before you call someone stupid again, because next time it may be you who is the stupid one.
In response to ADT_CLONE
ADT_CLONE wrote:
Oh, ok, so I'm the stupid person here? The only clue this was a virus was the fact it only had open available. And it was way too late. Though if someone said they had found a picture of you on the net, you would probably be worried as well and eager to see it. So think twice before you call someone stupid again, because next time it may be you who is the stupid one. The lesson here is pretty profound: Do not open links sent to you, without any prior correspondence. |
In response to Alathon
I work on links a lot though. If someone sends one with some text saying what it is, then I believe them and use it. This virus sent me the message saying "Look, it's a picture of you ...", so I believed him.
In response to ADT_CLONE
I got a message from someone with a link to a jpg that was actually a pif file, luckily it opened in firefox.
In response to Critical
Same here. Though I also opened it in firefox and it did nothing...
ADT_CLONE wrote:
Ok, beware msn users. There is a big virus going around. I got it last night. I'm going to explain it to you the best I can. I managed to defeat it. Basically, you get it if you click a link going to this website. Oh no! The abuse of an IE bug! Luckily I use FireFox. You may receiver it from one of your friends. It will say something like this: "Look it's a picture of you - www...". Oh, yeah, a picture of me. Wait! How did they obtain that picture? After all, I live in the Netherlands and I haven't sent any picture. And even if it's someone from school, this is Holland we're talking about here and the person would be speaking Dutch, not English. Whatever you do don't click that link. It has a .pif file disguised as a .jpg file. Oh no! A .pif file! The horror! Aren't .pif files solely there for modifications made to batch files (.bat)? At least it creates a .pif file on Windows 98 and such old systems when I change a few settings of a .bat file. Does it even exist on Windows XP? Anyway, now to explain what the virus does. As soon as it gets in it first runs, and after a couple of seconds turns off windows firewall and deletes it. Excuse me? Deleting the Windows Firewall? It's built into the OS! Yep, it deleted mine. Deleting the entry from the configuration panel is possible. And that's all it really can do. Then it uploads tonnes of trogens into your computer. What's a "trogen"? VET Antivirus picked them up thankfully. Then it opens up all your messenger contacts online and sends them that message I told you earlier. Yay! Something believable! It then tries to freeze your computer by running useless programmings like help and support 7 times. 7 times? My PC has ±2.5 GHz processing speed and 512 MB RAM (+ 512 MB RAM for the swap file). I doubt it would crash my computer if it runs a program like "Help and Support" over and over. Eventually, I managed to get into safe mode, though it still ran there. I've narrowed it down to 2 files. A file called loadadv455.exe or the actual windows messenger.exe. I think it is the latter. They wipe over your previous version of windowsmessenger.exe with their own version. I also found a trogen called 304.exe sitting in my proecesses a few times as well as about 10 b.exe. Inconspicuous huh? Yep, very. Anyway, I eventually stop this feral pest. And also, I managed to get a lot of evidence on where it came from. I got an ip address of the trogen using netstat. Brillant application. I've also got 2 of their websites. Any person who is serious about this sort of thing would mask their presence. It's safe to assume that those websites are nothing more but fellow slaves which will report in to their master later on. If you have this virus and need any help ridding yourself of it I think I'm going to write an anti worm. Give me a talk at [email protected]. You were barely able to get rid of the virus! You couldn't even properly think, and went on saying that it "deletes Windows Firewall" and "crashes computers with Help & Support". I highly doubt you have the programming skills nessesary to create an "anti-worm". Currently, a friend and I are getting this web server taken down. I can't tell you how, but it is not in a calm and peacful way, so hopefully we will be able to save the rest of the world from this heaven. And quite possibly an innocent webserver which possibly contracted a Linux version of the virus is shutdown. (Or perhaps a server with Windows as the OS.) Hoax. |
In response to Elation
but the day before yesterday i did leave the msn on and because my mom told me not to touch the computer then for like almost the WHOLE next day my DNS sever was no where to be found....could that have been it?????
On a side note, is all form of hacking banned, because I feel like hacking for some reason, though not for destruction. I want to help the community by hacking. I'm just strange lol.