I preordered my Nintender Wii today~! :D
Anyone else preorder theres?
![]() Oct 13 2006, 11:29 am
![]() Oct 13 2006, 11:37 am
Meh not yet, I'm gonna take advntage of some of these trade in offers and try to though. LD
No point in preordering it since Nintendo's not being like Sony or Microsoft.
They're shipping a tonload. |
Falacy wrote:
lol where the heck do u live? and! y would u want a wii? worst console ever made i tell you! Hah, don't you just love sarcasm? :D |
Falacy wrote:
lol where the heck do u live? and! y would u want a wii? worst console ever made i tell you! *nominates falacy for the noob of the year award* |
You mean like him saying IE is better than FireFox?
Anyways, no can truely say that Wii is godly/sucks since they haven't played it... and well, biasism also accounts which makes their statement faulty as well. I'll probably wait a few more months and than buy it from eBay :P And probably get a few games with it too <_< THat's what I did for my NDS. - GhostAnime |
I heard Zellers has some sort of deal on the Wii in Canada. Since I have orientation at zellers tomorrow to start my job, I'm hoping I can get a staff dicount on one +the canada deal!
Dead_Demon wrote:
Bleh, but where I live, only 3 stores are getting them, and they are all getting 16 each Heh. While the Wii is looking to do pretty well and Nintendo are preparing for a lot of sales, half the non-game specific stores are probably ordering only a handful based on Gamecube sales. |
lol go watch any comercials for wii, or anybody playing wii, not only do they look retarded flailing around like idiots, but the gameplay looks stupid, the graphics arent all that great, and! those controlers are gona suck, i win yet again, BACK AWAY!
Falacy wrote:
lol go watch any comercials for wii, or anybody playing wii, not only do they look retarded flailing around like idiots, but the gameplay looks stupid, the graphics arent all that great, and! those controlers are gona suck, i win yet again, BACK AWAY! Omg you're hilarious. Seriously, its apparent that you are ignorant about the wii..Also, its not a game so you "lose" and fail at winning..0_0 |
Seriously, why the fanboyism? I like every console pretty much equally, and I have a 360, planning on getting a Wii on launch day and a PS3 once the price goes down. I also love PC games...so why be so hostile and fanboyish? Just because someone goes out and innovates, you dub it "worst console ever made." Get a different perspective every once inawhile.
Amen to that.
I usually couldn't care less about consoles - I've never owned one and don't plan to buy one - but the Wii has caught my attention because it really is doing something new. It's about time there was some actual innovation in the console industry, instead of just endless cycles of "better graphics" and "more processing power" and "hey look, we finally got internet on this thing". Sure, these are all good things, but it's nice that someone is doing something truly different for a change; something that neither consoles nor PCs have ever done. Why you (Falacy) hate it, I have no idea. Well, that's not true, I do know why you hate it: It's because you're being a troll. Don't feed the troll, people! |