I don't know where you live, but in NY, you can't really skip ninth grade. Well, if you took ninth grade courses in 8th grade, then you can graduate a year earlier, but you still don't actually 'skip' any grade.

Credits, man, credits. If you wanted to skip a grade, you should've done it sooner.
In response to Tatiana Belmont
[Personal insults are not cool on this forum]

Quoting my original post on the issue:

Of course, the year in question was year 7, and this is Australia, but still - very much something that can happen.

Note how I mentioned that it was year 7? And note that I live in AUSTRALIA. Our education system is going to be different, believe it or not.

Additionally, I passed my last year of school quite nicely, thank you very much, coming in at about the 90th percentile in the state. I am now at university.

I wasn't exactly laughed at for being a 'dumb senior', if you catch my drift.
In response to Shattered wings
Because it makes you sound more intelligent. It makes you sound more mature, it makes you sound like someone to be listened to.

Take that sentence that I just wrote, and remove all the punctuation and capital letters, then insert a few random spelling and grammatical mistakes. Doesn't quite come across the same, does it?
In response to Jp
Well that's not how it works over here, so how is your argument relevant? :)
In response to Tatiana Belmont
Just pointing out that skipping year levels can happen in some educational systems.

Oh, and that it doesn't neccesarily screw you over for life. Or at all.
In response to Jp
Wrong. You miss out on a lot of experiences. It screws you out of the future that was set for you. :) You're supposed to go through all of the grade levels for a reason. No matter how much you know, you'll learn ATLEAST one thing in that grade level. That simple.
In response to Tatiana Belmont
Around here, some middle schools teach subjects that are given out in 9th grade. Which means by the time they are in 9th grade, they are in 10th grade classes. I suppose if they REALLY wanted to, they could skip...but on the otherhand if they don't skip, they will be getting a free year of college in their last year of high school.
In response to Sarm
Sarm wrote:
Shades wrote:

Damn, do I wish this applied to me. :/ I was told if I put in effort, I could skip a grade but I didn't. I stayed with everyone "my own age" and it was by far the shittiest experience I can remember so far. I socialized better with people older than me, and by older I mean I would speak exclusively with the security guards and teachers on lunch breaks because nobody else cared about anything other than "measurements".

I never thought of myself being smarter than anyone else, but that didn't stop the other classmates from assuming I did anyway. Feh.

The security guards scared the living crap out of me, but same thing.
In response to RagnarofBurland
My brother, Toan, Failed grade 7, redid grade 7, then they bumped him past grade 8 straight into Highschool into Grade 9 o.o Tell me how -that- works.
In response to Papoose
They do the same where I live...I have to take my next grade's math and science. So this year as a 11th grader, physics and pre-calculus..Woohoo..0_0
In response to Tatiana Belmont
I didn't need any of the friggin' experiences. You really have no idea how unhappy I was in year 6. I was well, well ahead of what everybody was doing, I got so bored, I did other people's homework occasionally. It really was incredibly boring. At least year 8 was more challenging.

I do not regret skipping a year for a second. It's probably one of the better educational experiences I've gone through.
Well I would suggest not skipping a grade. As far as Im concerned thats just one less year your have in school, one year sooner you have to get a job (most likely), enjoy highschool while you can. and if the problem is maturity theyre bound to grow up by the time you graduate.

Although if your interested in taking the other path then dont skip 9th grade skip 11th, thats what a kid in my school did this year. He crammed his schedule with courses so he got the necessary credits to put himself into position to graduate next year.
In response to Jp
We've already established that it is possible to do when not in high school. You just can't skip a high school year.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
We've already established that it is possible to do when not in high school. You just can't skip a high school year.

You could just skip High School all together.
In response to Shades
Sounds like a winning proposition, as always!

Actually I would have preferred to skip primary school. Primary school sucked.
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
Actually I would have preferred to skip primary school. Primary school sucked.

Really? I preferred pimary school. But, I guess that's mainly because I was in one with only 30 or so students.
In response to Smoko
It's a long story, but to cut it short: I went to a (privately-run) Steiner school, and hated it. The school itself wasn't so bad, but the teacher I had was horrible; and since Steiner education keeps the same teacher with the same class all the way through (on the theory that continuity is a Good Thing), I had her all the way from the beginning of Year 2 (when I joined the school) to the end of Year 6 (when she left to teach another class - the day she announced she was leaving us was one of the happiest days of my life).

She bullied us constantly (especially the "special" kid) and fostered an atmosphere of divisiveness and resentment among the class, so that we turned on each other as well. Several people left the school because of her; unfortunately I wasn't self-aware enough to do the same. Violent outbursts among us were not uncommon.

Even after she left, the atmosphere remained. We all hated each other's guts. In the two years that followed we had two different teachers - both of them excellent teachers and much more suitable rolemodels - who tried to heal the rifts, with some (albeit limited) success. I finally left at the end of Year 8.

So all in all, not the happiest 7 years of my life!
Make sure you know that a lot of what people below are telling you doesn't necissarely apply to you. Jp lives in Austrelia, and a lot of what other people told you wouldn't apply to most schools in the US.

Usually when you skip grades, it's going into a grade at or before 9th grade. I don't think you will be eligable, because you need credits from 9th grade to graduate. However, it may still be possible without having to do the credits. Ask your councelers about it. My guess is that you can't.

What you should consider, however, if you are REALLY motivated to do it, is do home schooling for credit from the same high school. You have to be REALLY motivated to do this, though. They might allow you to take 10th grade classes at the same time as your 9th grade classes, which would put you in 11th when you graduate 9th. You'd have to work your butt off, though. It might not even be possible if you already get full loads of homework from regular school.
In response to Crispy
Oh so one teacher made you all hate one another? I find that hard to believe.

We had a teacher just like that, who was a complete bitch to us.

She used to adjust the heaters in her class manually with a screw driver (a big no no I might add). One day it went missing and she thought we took it, so she turned off the heat completely and opened the windows, in the middle of winter.

She wouldn't let us wear jackets or anything. Eventually we had to report her to the school and they took care of things.

There was more times then that, but you get the idea. Well that didn't cause us to resent one another, but just her.

One time we killed all her fish by putting poison in the fish tanks filter.

Another time, before she came back from lunch we bought $100 worth of whoppers and left them on her desk (She was a fatty).

Another time we took all her rubix cubes and switched two of the stickers.

In the end we managed to chase her out and she went on to teach Adult Classes at the alternative school. There she ended up failing one of my friends because he was late with a book. To this day he has not graduated Highschool or gotten his GED.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
They do the same where I live...I have to take my next grade's math and science. So this year as a 11th grader, physics and pre-calculus..Woohoo..0_0

Actually, at my school, roughly a third of the student population takes precalculus as a 10th grader, three fifths takes Alg2/Trig as a 10th grader, and the rest (The idiots who play "hookie" and do drugs and whatnot) take either algebra 1b or geometry in tenth grade.

At some of the schools in my school district, over half of the student population takes precalculus as a sophomore. Of course, the property value in those schools' residential area is a little higher than the property value in my school's residential area.

Cupertino, California ftw.

I do have a few friends that are taking precalc and calculus as a freshman though. One of them in particular is an asshole. >_>
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